Farewell My Feathered Friend


10 Years
Jul 19, 2009
30 Miles West of Spokane, WA.
We'll meet again, some sunny day, on the other side of the bridge.........

This is a very sad day for me. My dear sweet friend, Rita, an almost 5 year old Golden Sex Link hen, has passed from this world and on to the next. My heart is aching and my soul knows no solace, other than to cling to the hope that she is in a much better place now. A world free from hawks and irresponsible dog owners. A world where she is free to range as far and wide as she cares to. A world filled with delicious things to eat, and her sisters that went before her to keep her company. Where the coop is always clean and the temperature just right. The water is sweet and cool and refreshing.

Rest peacefully under the old pine tree, my sweetest little friend. I shall never forget our conversations held during morning coop clean up time. Nor the sharing of the evening sunsets. I shall forever cherish your presence in my life.


Please excuse the photo. It's one of the very few I have of Rita that isn't of her BUTT!!! She truly did love treat time! Always head down and butt feathers pointed to the sky!

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