Farm chatter

My google ads now 😂
The Social Security people are stupid. They determined me fit to work, even though they know I've been disabled from a young age. I can't work due to my Brain Condition I was diagnosed with when I was a very young kid.

People are going to have to start getting things straight, or I might not be able to keep my birds fed:hit.
candy is hard to rank because it's very mood dependent

sour patch kids
reeses original normal-sized pb cups
York peppermint patties
sea salt & almond dark chocolate "bark"
peanut m&ms

I refuse to pick just one
I like Andes mints, Brookside Blueberry and Acai candies, and Turtles.
Confused Screaming | Filthy Frank | Know Your Meme

lol i keep 3rd party cookies off
The Social Security people are stupid. They determined me fit to work, even though they know I've been disabled from a young age. I can't work due to my Brain Condition I was diagnosed with when I was a very young kid.

People are going to have to start getting things straight, or I might not be able to keep my birds fed:hit.
oh no! :hit
Know any good lawyers?
sorry, I dont

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