Farm chatter

I LITERALLY CANT OMG. give me your babies.
Sorry I have dibs.
They’re good girls.
The moment Vanilla's not a good girl she's mine :bun
well it's technically a debit card
idrk the difference tho
A debit card is like money already have but a credit card you are borrowing money you have to pay back. (I think)
Yes, only buy like 10 chicks. That's it.
you're wrong of course
*adds leghorns*
Still would be missing Ameraucanas :bun
I hate sissonnes
they can go die in a hole
i dont rank candy...
Same. I just eat it.

(kidding, I don't get it very often)
candy is hard to rank because it's very mood dependent

sour patch kids
reeses original normal-sized pb cups
York peppermint patties
sea salt & almond dark chocolate "bark"
peanut m&ms

I refuse to pick just one

Add candy corn to that list and you have the perfect list.
The Social Security people are stupid. They determined me fit to work, even though they know I've been disabled from a young age. I can't work due to my Brain Condition I was diagnosed with when I was a very young kid.

People are going to have to start getting things straight, or I might not be able to keep my birds fed:hit.
Oh no! Do you have a backup plan for a job if you can't get them to see what's going on?
I’m not sure I understand. What’s going on?
here :(
The Social Security people are stupid. They determined me fit to work, even though they know I've been disabled from a young age. I can't work due to my Brain Condition I was diagnosed with when I was a very young kid.

People are going to have to start getting things straight, or I might not be able to keep my birds fed:hit.

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