Farm chatter

I know this is very cute but, it also looks mean to me, do they mind?
View attachment 2432467
(I'm just feeling bad for these chicks I have never met)
I don't think that they'd mind too toooo much, as long as you're cutting the holes in the wrappers before putting them in, instead of forcing their heads through. Same concept as putting tutus on adults- they don't like it but it's not hurting them and there's no long term trauma.
because I'm hella short for my age
Can't keep up with all the pages, but just wanted to say that I worked with a woman who was 4'11 3/4". She said one good thing about being tiny is she didn't have any trouble getting through crowds. As long as she knew where she was going, she threaded her way through and people didn't realize she was there. Next thing she knew, she was on the other side of the crowd.

I used to introduce her to new people by saying, "Take 3 sugar buzzes, and 5 caffeine rushes and scrunch them down into someone this size. That's this person. All energy."
I know this is a really gross weird question but, my dog has gland issues too and I might need it so... what's glandex?
Here’s the website, it works really well for my dog!

I won’t get into to much detail about it, you can look at their website, but it “naturally cleans out the glands” and helps their digestive track. It works for me, and my dog has gland issues BAD!
I know that. If you give a dog something with tomatoes in it, be prepared for major stink clouds.

I gotta go now.
Of course any dog owner knows that :gig

thanks for warning me about tomatoes. My other dog seems to have a liking for tortillas, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he went for some toppings to :lol:

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