Farm chatter

Bantam dwarfism, dwBEdit

Bantam dwarfism is a variety of dwarfism existing in many breeds of bantam chickens . Bantam chickens are also called miniatures. These birds are popular as pets, but Bantam hens are also renowned for hatching and brooding because they are very protective mothers and will attack anything that gets near their young.

The reciprocal crosses made between normal sized chickens with Bantams revealed that Bantams carry one or several sex-linked dominant genes that reduce body size.[21][22] This mutation is present in Sebright Bantams and probably other bantams. This mutation is thought to be an allele at the Dw locus and to be different from the allele dw.[23]

In genetics, the common convention is that most dominant alleles are written as capital letters and recessive alleles as lower-case letters (see: Dominance (genetics)). In spite of this, literature refers to the gene of Bantam dwarfism with the lower-case symbol dwB.

Found this.
people: oh no! our dog keeps humping people's legs!
literally anyone: you know neutering your dog will stop that, right?
people: *surprised pikachu face*
My dog BB takes no interest in legs, rather, he humps my male cat Peanut.

Neutering does nothing. BB has been for almost 10 years but it’s just a dominance thing, not always sexual.

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