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Quail can be kept for both eggs and meat you just have to have a lot more then chickens

They are Northern Bobwhites. I have them for eggs, meat, and for hunting.
Thanks guys!
If quail are hatched in incubators and then in a brooder. Isn't that an advantage to hunters, as they don't have any wildlife skills. I'm not against hunters just, wonder if they get tame and don't realize they are vulnerable.
If quail are hatched in incubators and then in a brooder. Isn't that an advantage to hunters, as they don't have any wildlife skills. I'm not against hunters just, wonder if they get tame and don't realize they are vulnerable.

They can be if they are raised wrong, but as long as they are raised properly, they act quite similar to wild quail.
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If quail are hatched in incubators and then in a brooder. Isn't that an advantage to hunters, as they don't have any wildlife skills. I'm not against hunters just, wonder if they get tame and don't realize they are vulnerable.
I know what you mean. I've been to hunts that the birds had to be forced to fly (hunters kicking the bushes) because the dogs couldn't flush the quail.
Well, it's been very busy here at the farm and I haven't had much time to take pictures.
First, here's Jingle Bells. She had an abscess in her neck. Had minor surgery to have it drained, I was flushing it daily and everything was going good for a couple of weeks....then it started building up again. So Jingle had to go back to the vet for a bigger surgery. The vet was a little surprised on the size of the pocket she found during this surgery. Actually, there were two pockets, one very large and the other medium sized. And in a strange area...behind some neck muscles. No wonder it closed up and started filling up again. But the vet felt confident that they were able to remove everything and this should be the end of it all. Jingle's total vet bills have cost the farm close to $800.
I feel bad so I got some people together to arrange a fundraiser for the rabbit. lol She can consider herself to be a VERY lucky little bunny rabbit!

This is 8 days after the surgery, Jingle is doing great and we'll be going back to the vet Monday for a check up

Guinea pigs....just because they're cute. We have 17 of them. They all have a job. No joke! They're a part of our farm tours, field trips and birthday parties. Kids get to sit on a mat with a guinea pig in their lap and feed the piggies. I'm totally jealous because guinea pigs are so awesome!

Then there's Zarrah and Zip. They're two POA's that were rescued off a feedlot somewhere in Pennsylvania and trailered here to us in CT. Apparently the original owners had sold the pair on Craigslist, and the buyers had sold them to the feedlot to make money off them. Stupid and wrong if you ask me.
They've been in quarantine since their arrival. They both had some sort of a cold/flu virus that was highly contagious, the thick yellow snots and all that fun stuff.... They are both looking really good and we should be able to remove them from quarantine in the near future.

Zip is approximately a 12 year old stallion. Zarrah a 7 year old mare. A pregnant mare. We don't know when she's due, but signs are all there. According to our vet, it could be anytime between the next 5 days or 5 weeks. Hope everything goes well.
Zip is going to be gelded in 2 weeks and once Zarrah has her foal and they're all strong enough to travel again, the whole family is going to go to a sanctuary to live out their lives. They got very lucky!

This is Zarrah and her baby belly. She was REALLY thin when she came. Zip was a good weight.

Zip. He's so nosy that I can't get a nice full body picture of him. lol

And to continue with the crappy little cat Lucy cut her leg open two days ago.
I still haven't been able to figure out how she would have managed that. Cut herself so deep that I could see the tendon. So we rushed to the vet, she had some stitches put on and a good leg wrap. When we came home, she actually growled at the wrap. LOL I'm glad her attitude is still intact.

You see....she doesn't look very impressed.

That's not even all of it, but I will end here. Hope everyone else is having a better time than I am!
Poor Jingle Bells, what a beautiful bunny. And love the tri color guinea pig. Love to see your photos Sanna but, sorry they aren't under better circumstances.
It was the same when I raised dogs, till I couldn't afford to have ANY, any more. Not even as a pet. Always one major bill after another on top of minor income.
Poor Jingle Bells, what a beautiful bunny. And love the tri color guinea pig. Love to see your photos Sanna but, sorry they aren't under better circumstances.
It was the same when I raised dogs, till I couldn't afford to have ANY, any more. Not even as a pet. Always one major bill after another on top of minor income.

Yeah, those bills are never fun. Honestly, I'm glad the $800 bunny bill isn't out of my pocket. The farm pays for it. But because I work here and have this big conscious that doesn't allow me to not care...I'm going to raise some money for Jingle's vet bills. lol I get the kitty bill though, but it wasn't horrible. Thank god! lol And I would fight tooth and nail for my kitties if I ever had to. They're what keeps me sane when everything else in life seems to go wrong.

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