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Some photos I took today (I am terrible with plants and couldn't even guess the names of the two flowers posted):

The flowers are zinnias but, all your photos are beautiful. Your flock is just gorgeous and very well taken care of. Love the dog too, he has such a gentle look.
Thank you! They are all still very young, but I think they are developing beautifully. You should see the scatter they make when I let them out in the mornings to free range. Even the clunky Wyandottes manage to catch some air in their victory lap around the yard.

Merle, the catahoula, was adopted a few years ago and is the sweetest, most-kind hearted gentleman. He unfortunately has a love for the chase, so I can't leave him unattended with the flock. If he did end up chasing one I can't see him putting the effort to catch and restrain it, but he's quite large so I'd hate for something to happen. He enjoys sitting attended with me to observe though.
I'd love him to pieces.

LOL!! DD, I think you 'Love' all dogs to pieces.

Yah, I am kind of a dog lover, I love to hug and kiss them but, no baby talk. Merle is probably biding his time until you have some predator Leopards around. I've heard Catahoulas are called Leopard dogs. He is just saving his strength and BOY, will you be surprised when he uncorks it.

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