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Sanna- they're hilarious! I have a few old English bantams with the wyandottes and they're so graceful and dove like when they flee the coop. Then the wyandottes come clumbering after them. It's hilarious.

DD, you crack me up. :)
This little bird flew into a sliding glass door on my deck and was in shock for a little while.

What a pretty bird. We've had lots of them crash into my front window even though we have a white shade pulled down. Once I saw a hummingbird laying on the sill with a bloody nose (beak) and went out to see what I could do. He disappeared before I got there. I hope he survived.
Jadyn boy, a 3 mos. old colt is BIG. I know they have to be - even as a newborn , so they can reach the "kitchen table."

He's really friendly too. He would sometimes walk up to me and sniff me but when I wanted to pet near his neck he would step back. He also tried eating my camera bag while I was petting his mom.
Jerrey, yes I do. I have three of my cockerels pictured. They are a rather young flock at only 4 months old
My jubilee Orpington pullet really likes to dust bathe. lol

This little lady was also enjoying the sun.

And then there was a group nap...with more dust bathing.

One of my two black pullets. I ended up with 5 pullets and 8 or 9 cockerels.

This pullet switched dirt holes and continued bathing.

And my favorite, the little splash pullet.

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