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So, it's offspring would not be considered balancers if bread to another balancer, because they would be 1/2 or 100% ?
wait, I had to do a Punnett square in my head, if it was the same breeds that made them both balancers, then 1/4 would be breed A, 1/4 breed B, and 1/2 AB balancers?
sounds like homework I can't help you eggsie I'm outta here
Diva, I am impressed you breed strptocarpus. I do not have the patience to wait for things to bloom to see what I got. I can not imagine the years involved in cattle to see what one has.
Eggs, I don't have patience. When I was a kid, my mother used to have fits because .I would try to "coax" her roses into opening. Somehow all the missing petals led her straight to me. Fast forward several decades and I kinda try to coax my strep blossoms to open faster. Usually only a couple petals fall off and I get some hint of what they are like by the 3 remaining petals. Then I SMACK myself for doing it
. Mom would be proud.
So, it's offspring would not be considered balancers if bread to another balancer, because they would be 1/2 or 100% ?
wait, I had to do a Punnett square in my head, if it was the same breeds that made them both balancers, then 1/4 would be breed A, 1/4 breed B, and 1/2 AB balancers?

The way they do is not based off of a punnett square. They have it so if a balancer bred a balancer instead of guessing which is the 100% they consider all calves balancer. The percentage can only increase when putting more of Breed A or Breed B. If you were to then take a 100% Gelbvieh to a balancer only 25% Gelbvieh would come from one parent while the other parent would give 50% making the calves 75%. It's confusing but eventually you get it. They do it this way that way your not guessing which is breed A and which is breed B and what is the crossbred calves.
Sorry I couldn't get a video of my show but I do have some photos of my show and after. My White peacock I got tame in 3 months of ownership and he was a year old and he won Grand Champion in Showmanship and Grand Champion in Quality!

WOW so proud of you and your young peacock - what a great start. I can't believe how relaxed and tame he is.
. You look so relaxed yourself but I bet inside you are

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