Farwell (For A While)

Yes, I know - again, already?! For those of you who were aware, just a few months ago I took a break from being on BYC as well. And though I've only returned for a short while, and when I first came back, I was doing quite well, I'm sorry to say that I'll be once again withdrawing for a while. I hope to be back and active on here as soon as I think I'm once again in a good place - but after last time's results, I may wait just a little more to make sure I won't decline so quickly again.
I want to be clear here - BYC is one of my favorite places to be, and I absolutely love it on here!!! Thank you everyone for being such an awesome community! You all are always so friendly, kind, helpful, and cheerful! And I also love that you all are about as crazy about chickens as I am! :D
This isn't easy for me to leave for a while so soon - but I've been struggling a lot recently, and there have been several reasons that have led me to often feel like I'm not...being myself.
I'm not leaving BYC just because I want to leave BYC - I'm mainly leaving this amazing community for a short time because I want to take a break from being online and on screens so much - I think it'll be better for my mental health to take a step back and spend more time out in the forest and nature, and of course, with my chickens. ❤️
Right now, I'm hurting, both emotionally and physically, and I don't want to trouble any of you by spilling out all of my problems, but I will add that just so you know one of the reasons of why I'm leaving. I hope that none of you will worry too much - know that I think I'm going to be all right and that I'll be taking care of myself. :hugs
I may stop by occasionally, just to check in and catch up on how all of you are doing - I really care so much about all of you!!! 💖 I just wanted to let you know that you probably won't be seeing me around as much for the time being.
Thank you so much everyone, and take care! Love and hugs to all of you! View attachment 2535936
@TwoCrows, @cluckmecoop7, @PioneerChicks, @Sapphire Sebright, @Alyssa-Bee, @Crestcrazy, @CrazyCochin, @JadeFarms, @Misfits Farm 92, @human1, @CHlCKEN, @EmmaRainboe, and all of you other incredible, kind, and amazing friends - I just wanted to let you all know this. Thank you for being so encouraging and inspiring! :hugs
We'll miss you, Staruburst, but take as much time as you need -- life gets crazy and we have our ups and downs, and we need to take the time to sort these things out.
Lots of love and hugs, and if you ever need to talk to someone about anything, you can send me a message any time.
I hope that you feel better soon, and may God bless you. :hugs
We'll miss you, Staruburst, but take as much time as you need -- life gets crazy and we have our ups and downs, and we need to take the time to sort these things out.
Lots of love and hugs, and if you ever need to talk to someone about anything, you can send me a message any time.
I hope that you feel better soon, and may God bless you. :hugs
Thank you for this heartfelt message - it brings me so much peace. Sending you lots of hugs! :hugs God Bless.
Goodbye Lucy. Have a good break, and save some time for your chickens, reading, writing, cooking, and all your other hobbies. Take all the time you need away, and remember: take care of yourself first! Nurses and doctors in wars can't help anybody if they are injured themselves.

Hugs! I'll be praying for you! Also, I would like to say that I admire you sharing your religion through your signature and profile pictures. I sometimes have trouble speaking up about Christ.

Yes, I know - again, already?! For those of you who were aware, just a few months ago I took a break from being on BYC as well. And though I've only returned for a short while, and when I first came back, I was doing quite well, I'm sorry to say that I'll be once again withdrawing for a while. I hope to be back and active on here as soon as I think I'm once again in a good place - but after last time's results, I may wait just a little more to make sure I won't decline so quickly again.
I want to be clear here - BYC is one of my favorite places to be, and I absolutely love it on here!!! Thank you everyone for being such an awesome community! You all are always so friendly, kind, helpful, and cheerful! And I also love that you all are about as crazy about chickens as I am! :D
This isn't easy for me to leave for a while so soon - but I've been struggling a lot recently, and there have been several reasons that have led me to often feel like I'm not...being myself.
I'm not leaving BYC just because I want to leave BYC - I'm mainly leaving this amazing community for a short time because I want to take a break from being online and on screens so much - I think it'll be better for my mental health to take a step back and spend more time out in the forest and nature, and of course, with my chickens. ❤️
Right now, I'm hurting, both emotionally and physically, and I don't want to trouble any of you by spilling out all of my problems, but I will add that just so you know one of the reasons of why I'm leaving. I hope that none of you will worry too much - know that I think I'm going to be all right and that I'll be taking care of myself. :hugs
I may stop by occasionally, just to check in and catch up on how all of you are doing - I really care so much about all of you!!! 💖 I just wanted to let you know that you probably won't be seeing me around as much for the time being.
Thank you so much everyone, and take care! Love and hugs to all of you! View attachment 2535936
@TwoCrows, @cluckmecoop7, @PioneerChicks, @Sapphire Sebright, @Alyssa-Bee, @Crestcrazy, @CrazyCochin, @JadeFarms, @Misfits Farm 92, @human1, @CHlCKEN, @EmmaRainboe, and all of you other incredible, kind, and amazing friends - I just wanted to let you all know this. Thank you for being so encouraging and inspiring! :hugs
@Starburst, I'll miss seeing you around! But as always, taking a break would help ❤️
Take care of yourself, and take your time! We'll always be here with you :hugs
Yes, I know - again, already?! For those of you who were aware, just a few months ago I took a break from being on BYC as well. And though I've only returned for a short while, and when I first came back, I was doing quite well, I'm sorry to say that I'll be once again withdrawing for a while. I hope to be back and active on here as soon as I think I'm once again in a good place - but after last time's results, I may wait just a little more to make sure I won't decline so quickly again.
I want to be clear here - BYC is one of my favorite places to be, and I absolutely love it on here!!! Thank you everyone for being such an awesome community! You all are always so friendly, kind, helpful, and cheerful! And I also love that you all are about as crazy about chickens as I am! :D
This isn't easy for me to leave for a while so soon - but I've been struggling a lot recently, and there have been several reasons that have led me to often feel like I'm not...being myself.
I'm not leaving BYC just because I want to leave BYC - I'm mainly leaving this amazing community for a short time because I want to take a break from being online and on screens so much - I think it'll be better for my mental health to take a step back and spend more time out in the forest and nature, and of course, with my chickens. ❤️
Right now, I'm hurting, both emotionally and physically, and I don't want to trouble any of you by spilling out all of my problems, but I will add that just so you know one of the reasons of why I'm leaving. I hope that none of you will worry too much - know that I think I'm going to be all right and that I'll be taking care of myself. :hugs
I may stop by occasionally, just to check in and catch up on how all of you are doing - I really care so much about all of you!!! 💖 I just wanted to let you know that you probably won't be seeing me around as much for the time being.
Thank you so much everyone, and take care! Love and hugs to all of you! View attachment 2535936
@TwoCrows, @cluckmecoop7, @PioneerChicks, @Sapphire Sebright, @Alyssa-Bee, @Crestcrazy, @CrazyCochin, @JadeFarms, @Misfits Farm 92, @human1, @CHlCKEN, @EmmaRainboe, and all of you other incredible, kind, and amazing friends - I just wanted to let you all know this. Thank you for being so encouraging and inspiring! :hugs
I’m going to miss you so much! You are such a great friend, things won’t be the same without you. I understand though and selfcare is important though and taking care of yourself should always come first. I just can’t tell you how kind you’ve been to me, you are such a great friend. Keep up your incredible writing skills, I’ll miss you so much. :hugs :hit
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Starburst, I'll really miss you! I've always admired your amazingly huge heart! You've been an awesome and caring friend! I'm glad you'll be taking a break from the screen, it really does improve my attitude and awareness. Keep reading lots of books! I'll keep praying for you and your brother, and I'll be here when you return. :hugs

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