Faverolles Thread

I'm looking for all gentle breeds. I know someone will have to be at the bottom of the pecking order, but I hope to put in enough swings, ladders, balls, foods-on-a-rope, and hide-n-seek items that the girls won't be out looking for trouble. I'll be growing matts of forging green (mixed with nasturtiums, chamomile, basil, and thyme) in flats in the front yard so I can cut them into blocks and place them in 3 foraging baskets I've laid out in the run plans.
I would avoid getting any of the "red" breeds - Rhode Island Red, production Red, New Hampshire, red sex link - as they tend to be bossy. As Puddin Fluff stated any of the sex links can be dominant. Cochins and silkies are docile, though both can be annoyingly broody. Other breeds that have gotten along with the free roaming pet Fav flock here have been speckled Sussex, Buttercup, buff Minorca, Easter Egger, brown Leghorn, dark Brahma, Austrolorp, and one of the 2 Fayoumis. The other is evil. This is Moose. She was hatched and raised by silkies. She gets along fine with them, a mixed breed bantam hen, and all the breeds listed above.
Omg she is the cutest fluffy butt!!!

Just purchased these 2 pretty salmon Faverolles girls, Blossom and Buttercup. I didn't want eggs or chicks because we can't risk roosters. I was lucky to find a lady on Craigslist who had hatched out a bunch this spring and had 3 month old pullets. I was so excited. Now if I could just find some Silkie pullets - grrrr!
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I want these in the worst way. I went to the topsfull fair last October and they had some for show omg I was in love:drool and the sultans I was thinking of getting some from ideal hatchery. What do you guys think a few of my ducks and chickens are from them
I have a few pure Faverolles, which are great birds- and one "accidental" Fav mix, who just became one of the sweetest broodie mamas. Here she is with her chick. It's only a few days old and she brought it outside!

and here is the very protective father, making sure the other hens leave it alone

I want these in the worst way. I went to the topsfull fair last October and they had some for show omg I was in love:drool and the sultans I was thinking of getting some from ideal hatchery. What do you guys think a few of my ducks and chickens are from them
Huh, wonder who entered some at Topsfield. I never go to the fair. I don't have the patience to sit in that traffic.

I should have extra pullets available at some point. I don't have Sultans though.
I have a few pure Faverolles, which are great birds- and one "accidental" Fav mix, who just became one of the sweetest broodie mamas. Here she is with her chick. It's only a few days old and she brought it outside! and here is the very protective father, making sure the other hens leave it alone
very pretty birds i just love them
Huh, wonder who entered some at Topsfield. I never go to the fair. I don't have the patience to sit in that traffic.

I should have extra pullets available at some point. I don't have Sultans though.
i went the frist time in years the traffic wasn't to bad . I took pictures of them I think I still have them on my phone I just love their big fluffy faces please let me know when you got some extra pullets I will take them in a heart beat.

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