Faverolles Thread


wow....just, wow.

Pete - your birds -

Thanks for the pics! The cockeral's hackle feathers are quite light. Is that from the photo? Or, will they darken more to straw as they get older?

Candled last night. 11/14 seem viable, but since it's my first hatch, I'll keep them a couple more days, just to be sure.

Thanks. Hopefully..... They will get more golden with age. That has been the trend with the older males I have around. That still being less than a year. Again. This is soooo contrary to what I do in a year in dealing with predictable tried breeding.

Leisha, I plan to hatch everything for about three clutches of 50 so I just may get too many. But snip snip here, snip snip there in the Merry Ole Land of Peter will be in force at a very high level. We'll see what I may or may not have around and whether I actually need the numbers I'm planning on. Santa can come early ya know...

Names. I need names. PubertXBritgirl

you know they will be safe with me. something for granddaughter to play with
I added one to the bator that had been washed & in fridge for about a week. It hatched a lovely boy. So 100% hatch rate & 100% male. Heh.
I just gave a dozen from January (long story) to a broody, & she kicked out about 5 but is diligently sitting on the rest.
So it's always worth a try. Keep us posted!
I have 5 beautiful favs that I hatched from eggs bought here last spring. I want some chicks. Soooo, do favs go broody? I have separated them from the rest of the flock in an adjoining pen. They have been in there for 4 days and still no eggs. How long do you think it will take for them to settle in and start laying again? I'm itching to set some eggs!
my favs are Pierre, Antoinette, Bridget, Juliet, and Monique.
I am looking for Bantam Salmon Faverolle Hatching Eggs. I would like to find 24+ eggs from high end stock. Current Pics of the stock are a MUST. PM or Email me if you have some now or will in the next few weeks.

Morganton, NC

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