Faverolles Thread

Thanks for replying! I have actually done that, but as soon as the fuzz dries, it's right back to touching their poor little eyes again. Hm..... do you think that slicking them down with vaseline might help? It'd make them look like they're trying out for a role in Grease, but it might actually work... hrm...

Try taking a wet q-tip and just wiping the fuzz away from their eyes. That way you don't have to worry about poking their eyes out with scissors.
I wouldn't use neosporin unless they actually have an infection. Neosporin is basically petroleum jelly with anti-biotics in it.
So if you're just worried about eye irritation, I'd go with the plain old Vaseline.

Instead of Vaseline, I have used neosporin ointment. It just seemed like it would bother them less if it got in their eyes (or maybe it bothered me less, not the chicks, lol).
I wouldn't use neosporin unless they actually have an infection. Neosporin is basically petroleum jelly with anti-biotics in it.
So if you're just worried about eye irritation, I'd go with the plain old Vaseline.

Neosporin's active ingredient in neomycin, an antibiotic to which bacteria easily develop immunity; best only to use it when there is a real need for an antibiotic.
anyone looking for some of the different colors of bantam favs there is an ebay listing http://www.ebay.com/itm/8-Quality-B...119?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5892069d7f

i'd be bidding on these but my incubator is packed up till we move a few streets over to my FIL house that was left to us. we'll have more property, closer to the Agri zoned area, and have more neighbors with back yard chickens! got to meet some future chicken owners last night and saw their sweet looking coop! looks like a caboose on nice big tires!
anyone looking for some of the different colors of bantam favs there is an ebay listing http://www.ebay.com/itm/8-Quality-B...119?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5892069d7f

i'd be bidding on these but my incubator is packed up till we move a few streets over to my FIL house that was left to us. we'll have more property, closer to the Agri zoned area, and have more neighbors with back yard chickens! got to meet some future chicken owners last night and saw their sweet looking coop! looks like a caboose on nice big tires!
That's GypsyChic, isn't it?

Lucky you! More room for more birds!

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