Faverolles Thread

Beanwood is in the UK. I sent Dosfel the link yesterday. He(she?) has tried contacting them a couple of times with no luck so far. I did have a link to another breeder of colored Favs in the UK but that link no longer works.

Anyone have the one to the UK breed club?
It was off-white. Sweet.

Congrats on your egg!

OK, all you Fav owners (OK, well SOME of you
) I need egg pictures or opinions because what I originally thought were Fav eggs were off white/light brown.

Here is the first egg ever with a bunch of Large store eggs. Since Clemence was singing the egg song (not related to this egg specifically) when Zia was singing and no other girls were singing, I figured they didn't know the words because they weren't quite ready to lay (Zia did not lay until a week after she started singing) and since Clemence did, I figured she was responsible for the egg I had found a couple of days earlier.

We got 3 of these before Zia laid and then no more for a couple of weeks. Then more girls started laying and I figured the Chanteclers laid a darker brown egg because the lighter one was a Fav. But then Clemence was in the nest box where I later found an EE egg and a medium brown egg so I decided that the Favs lay darker and the Chanteclers lighter (though they sure didn't seem ready to lay when the first 3 eggs showed up) then Basel posts "off- white".

Here is what I have:

And what I KNOW is the green egg is from Andromeda the EE. The darker brown one is from Echo the Black Australorp. The white one on the top and bottom right are from Yue and Zia- the Anconas. Bottom left (pale rose or peach) is Cubalaya which leaves the top left and top right. The top right is the egg I found in the nest where the Fav was and the top left is what I HAD thought was a Fav egg based on the color of our first 3 eggs.

Sooooo Is the top right a Fav or did Clemence sit in the box but not lay an egg and Dee the Partridge Chantecler had laid it at some other time? I've never seen her in the box. So confused!
And if you can't follow all that, it is OK because I can't either!

I am trying the Sweet PDZ poop board in the coop. I have a 2' wide shelf that's 28" off the ground, and then running above it is the roost--a 3" in diameter natural tree branch that's 12" above the shelf.

I've THOUGHT about a poop board but I'm doing deep litter and the times I've been present when they were fussing over where they were going to sleep, there were more than a few birds that ended up on the ground that then had to get back up in the fray until it was sorted out. Not sure they wouldn't get hurt if they bounced off the edge of the poop board on the way down.

We got 3 of these before Zia laid and then no more for a couple of weeks. Then more girls started laying and I figured the Chanteclers laid a darker brown egg because the lighter one was a Fav. But then Clemence was in the nest box where I later found an EE egg and a medium brown egg so I decided that the Favs lay darker and the Chanteclers lighter (though they sure didn't seem ready to lay when the first 3 eggs showed up) then Basel posts "off- white".

Here is what I have:

And what I KNOW is the green egg is from Andromeda the EE. The darker brown one is from Echo the Black Australorp. The white one on the top and bottom right are from Yue and Zia- the Anconas. Bottom left (pale rose or peach) is Cubalaya which leaves the top left and top right. The top right is the egg I found in the nest where the Fav was and the top left is what I HAD thought was a Fav egg based on the color of our first 3 eggs.

Sooooo Is the top right a Fav or did Clemence sit in the box but not lay an egg and Dee the Partridge Chantecler had laid it at some other time? I've never seen her in the box. So confused!
And if you can't follow all that, it is OK because I can't either!
Okay, based on the look, I would say the picture that the top left is the Fav. egg. Our girls lay a pale pinkish-tan and looking at the pics I might have guessed the bottom left if you had not identified it otherwise as it shows slightly pink on my screen. Hope this helps.
Mine range from off white to brown. I can get a picture tomorrow of the latest haul from this year's pullets to show the whole range if you are interested.
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Love it!

I would've said the top left and right..... my girls seem to lay slightly different colored eggs, and sometimes even the sheen on the egg is different: sometimes shiny and sometimes chalky looking. But, I know they're all SF - the only other layers I have are French Marans - totally different.
Congrats on your egg!

... then Basel posts "off- white".

I've THOUGHT about a poop board but I'm doing deep litter and the times I've been present when they were fussing over where they were going to sleep, there were more than a few birds that ended up on the ground that then had to get back up in the fray until it was sorted out. Not sure they wouldn't get hurt if they bounced off the edge of the poop board on the way down.


Firstly, thanks for your Congrats on my 1st fav egg!

Secondly, sorry!! It is very lightly tinted, a nice off white. Perhaps you'll be happy to see what I post next in reply to keesmom's comment...

Lastly, Yipes! I sure hope no one falls and bounces off the shelf! Sheesh. I'll have to watch out for that folly.

Oh and this morning, one of the girls that I put on the shelf [and removed from snoozing in the nest box!] was still up on the roost!! Big girl, now!
Mine range from off white to brown. I can get a picture tomorrow of the latest haul from this year's pullets to show the whole range if you are interested.

This is great to hear because my second new egg was laid! It looked so close in color to my BR's [Penelope's] that I at first assumed it was hers. Then in the house I looked at it next to the others and it is not Penelope's!

New egg is definitely smaller and a totally different shape. And more brown than Penelope's but this new little egg is pinkish! Beautiful! Just a tad more of a brown tone, but very close to Penelope's.

I couldn't be happier!!
I have had faverolles that lay from a pretty dark brown to light brown tinted eggs. It varies bird to bird it isn't even a line thing. Faverolles are supposed to have red earlobes and many have enameling on their ear lobes (haven't looked at the girls I have yet will tomorrow) From talking to Dick he said that birds that lay the darker eggs often have red earlobes free of enameling.

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