Faverolles Thread

I will snap some this evening. I have just been watching how they've grown out thinking to myself, "What in the world? Where did those two white guys come from?" LOL It's just odd that they colored that way.

Be looking this evening--I'll try to get them on before 8. I'd be interested to know how often this happens and if anyone can sex them. We have 32 breeds, but these are my first faverolles so I'm not sure what I'm looking for with these three.
Can't wait to see pics........
The white ones have what I would consider a small beard--none on the darker bird. The side tufts are also very minimal on the dark one. These were all fat, fluffy chicks with huge side tufts. I do trust who they came from so I am even more confused knowing there shouldn't have been a mix up.
I agree they don't look even look like a faverolle of any color especially the first one. Here is one of my guys when he was around the same age he's just a blue.what other breeds did that person have could he be a fav mix?

The white ones have what I would consider a small beard--none on the darker bird. The side tufts are also very minimal on the dark one. These were all fat, fluffy chicks with huge side tufts. I do trust who they came from so I am even more confused knowing there shouldn't have been a mix up.
Maybe someone (or several someones) jumped a fence? That first red one is a cockerel, and it certainly isn't a Fav cockerel.

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