Faverolles Thread

Here are my four girls(?). We bought them locally at a place called Baxter Barn which is a small local farm business. Not a feed store, but I'm not sure where there chicks come from.

I have 6 chicks from this place. I'm pretty sure 1 is a roo (Wyandotte). I'll be crabby if I got 5 of 6 to be boys ;)
Here are my four girls(?). We bought them locally at a place called Baxter Barn which is a small local farm business. Not a feed store, but I'm not sure where there chicks come from.

I have 6 chicks from this place. I'm pretty sure 1 is a roo (Wyandotte). I'll be crabby if I got 5 of 6 to be boys ;)
This is the only roo I see. However, i've never seen such colorful faverolles before it may just be a dark colored girl. I'm guessing they got them from a hatchery and were not too selective about the breeding, because even hatchery birds can be perfected it just takes way more time and hatchings.
Here are my four girls(?). We bought them locally at a place called Baxter Barn which is a small local farm business. Not a feed store, but I'm not sure where there chicks come from.

I have 6 chicks from this place. I'm pretty sure 1 is a roo (Wyandotte). I'll be crabby if I got 5 of 6 to be boys ;)

wow, these look quite different from mine. I am no expert, just raising SFs for the first time this year. how old are they now? mine are about 9wks. I think yours look around 4-5wks ish?

they ALL have black in them, which isn't desirable to the extent that they have it (as far as I know)....
BUT I don't see very red combs on anyone, so no one is screaming male to me. again, I am new to salmon faverolles. I hope they are females with slightly off coloring. also remember that color can change a lot from chick age to hen age.

here is a picture of my SFs at 5wks old, if it helps. they are a m/f pair.
note the male's pink comb at 5wks (he's black)
she has some black in her as well, but not the same pattern as yours

They are 5 weeks old today. If they're "unique" girls, I'm OK with that (not thrilled, but OK) as they're only going to be used as layers and family pets. However, we only purchased enough this year that we might add a couple more per year to keep our median age within egg laying range. If it's the case of just "undesirable" coloring I'll find a more "Faverolles Friendly" place next time we go to purchase. I was trying to hook up with a local guy here in Western WA, but timing just didn't work out this go-around.

Not trying to knock the place we bought from though. I'm still a happy customer as their service and supplies have been excellent. I'm just totally new to chickens so I was unsure what I was getting :)
Here is my Salmon Faverolle Roo and a couple of his hens. Hatched these from Sandiclaws eggs some time back. I really love these birds. They are the friendliest chickens I have and I really think the Roo is gorgeous.






From this flock, I have a whole bunch of gorgeous little chicks in the brooder and many more in the incubator.

Hello! I will be showing some of these at the fair and I was hoping to learn more about them and im also doing a speech on them , I know they have a 5th toe and they were developed in France in the 1860s but I don't know anything else I was hoping you could help since this is on this breed :)
They are 5 weeks old today. If they're "unique" girls, I'm OK with that (not thrilled, but OK) as they're only going to be used as layers and family pets. However, we only purchased enough this year that we might add a couple more per year to keep our median age within egg laying range. If it's the case of just "undesirable" coloring I'll find a more "Faverolles Friendly" place next time we go to purchase. I was trying to hook up with a local guy here in Western WA, but timing just didn't work out this go-around.

Not trying to knock the place we bought from though. I'm still a happy customer as their service and supplies have been excellent. I'm just totally new to chickens so I was unsure what I was getting :)
Its hard to tell since the color is so dark….If You can ask the place you purchased what hatchery their birds come from then maybe we can encourage them to take another look at what they are breeding…..I had 2 from the coop last year that were very appaloosa looking, ok but not colored like Faverolles, think they came from Privit hatchery….didn't keep.

Am not sure where You are located but there may be folks near You that raise Favs too…..Good Luck…...
Its hard to tell since the color is so dark….If You can ask the place you purchased what hatchery their birds come from then maybe we can encourage them to take another look at what they are breeding…..I had 2 from the coop last year that were very appaloosa looking, ok but not colored like Faverolles, think they came from Privit hatchery….didn't keep.

Am not sure where You are located but there may be folks near You that raise Favs too…..Good Luck…...

I'm very close to you actually. If you're game, next time I'll ask you for some when we're ready :)

We got the birds at Baxter in Fall City.

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