Faverolles Thread

From my little experience in faverolles there suppose to have single combs and I don't know if crossing them would be worth it, it would be a project but project are always fun!
and it looks like you have a pair boy/girl

I put the pictures on another post and a member said they didn't look like pure breed favs
So I was asking if any other breed had a rose comb to try and work out what they were crossed with, if anything
They might just be a poor example

They also pointed out one is a roo ; (
I might try get some good quality hatching eggs as I love the softness of this breed they are so cuddly
They do seem fragile though, they don't like the cold and go sleepy and poorly looking
I've brought them in a few times, fed them scrambled eggs and electrolyte drinks till they perked up
One I just carry around because she hates being put down, its not easy to work with a chicken under your arm!
I put the pictures on another post and a member said they didn't look like pure breed favs
So I was asking if any other breed had a rose comb to try and work out what they were crossed with, if anything
They might just be a poor example

They also pointed out one is a roo ; (
I might try get some good quality hatching eggs as I love the softness of this breed they are so cuddly
They do seem fragile though, they don't like the cold and go sleepy and poorly looking
I've brought them in a few times, fed them scrambled eggs and electrolyte drinks till they perked up
One I just carry around because she hates being put down, its not easy to work with a chicken under your arm!

I had one like this. He is missing but I hope he shows up again. If he does, he is coming in the house. I thought he was a girl but when I posted pictures, I was told Princess was a Prince. That explains why he would hide from his father. He has been missing 2 nights and a day, tonight will be 2days and 2 nights. I hope he shows up.
I had one like this. He is missing but I hope he shows up again. If he does, he is coming in the house. I thought he was a girl but when I posted pictures, I was told Princess was a Prince. That explains why he would hide from his father. He has been missing 2 nights and a day, tonight will be 2days and 2 nights. I hope he shows up.

Oh no that's bad, I do hope he turns up
They are such a worry
An agricultural market locally, the put chicks in boxes with air holes, or chicken wire at one end
Then its an auction , I paid £8 for what was listed as two hens
Do any other breed have this kind of comb I can try work out what they are crossed with?

Do you have anything similar to a US Ameraucana? Here they have pea combs and wheatens are similar. Except for the combs they look like typical juvenile Faverolles so they may be the result of a cross several generations ago. Possibly one to include a more cold hardy comb.
Oh no that's bad, I do hope he turns up
They are such a worry

Well, he didn't show up at roosting time so I guess something got him. I do have two youngsters out in the coop that like me to hold them but they are much younger than he is. He is about ready to become a "manly" rooster. One of the youngsters likes to bite me and I don't know why. It comes running up for me to pick it up and when I put my hand down, the first thing it does is to bite me and then wants to climb in my hand. Maybe it's punishment for not being there whenever it wants to be held. LOL

This is my hen that won at Indiana State fair this week. Look at her type and color
She's lovely!

So..I had a terrible time finding a breeder. And of course now that I've found a couple (2), it's too hot to ship that far, even IF someone we're willing. Not able to hatch yet so eggs are out.
Anyways....I broke down and ordered some from Ideal, because they'd ship overnight (I'm only 3 hours away).
I know they obviously won't be show quality, but do you think they will be a good basic representation, at least personality wise?
Is it common for the faverolles to always have wet beards/muffs? For those of you with them in snowy winters-how do you prevent snow/ice from forming on them?

I have had one poor hatchery quality who had this issue her first winter and she barely had any muff. I would take her in and blow dry her beard. My new ones have tons of feathers in muff/beard.

Another reason I am asking is-I have my 2 pullets in quarantine. I used Eprinex when I brought them home from the fair and the previous owners obviously took great care of all of their birds. I was more concerned with what could have been picked up while at the fair. We are going on vacation for the next 10 days, and I am having someone taking care of the birds. Its been over 3 weeks in quarantine now. Their poops look normal and they are alert and appear healthy. I would like to place their cage inside the coop (14 x 20 ft inside space) to give them time to start getting used to the flock as well as make it easier on the care takers. (They are currently in the upstairs part of a barn and you have to take a ladder to get to them.) Also, I take then out for free range time in a separate area from my flock each night for a few hours-they wont get much of this while I am gone. My only concern regarding their health is how damp their face is on the sides and beard and am not sure if this is just from drinking water or there is discharge that I am missing somehow. I have watched them and there is no sneezing and no signs of drainage that I can see. (I am probably over thinking this as usual). Any thoughts?

ETA: They are 5 months old and one of them has started laying too
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