Faverolles Thread

Do you have anything similar to a US Ameraucana? Here they have pea combs and wheatens are similar. Except for the combs they look like typical juvenile Faverolles so they may be the result of a cross several generations ago. Possibly one to include a more cold hardy comb.

Thanks I'll look at ameraucanas
They are typical faverolles personality wise
In fact I think I'll be buying a nappy and bringing it indoors!
Well, he didn't show up at roosting time so I guess something got him. I do have two youngsters out in the coop that like me to hold them but they are much younger than he is. He is about ready to become a "manly" rooster. One of the youngsters likes to bite me and I don't know why. It comes running up for me to pick it up and when I put my hand down, the first thing it does is to bite me and then wants to climb in my hand. Maybe it's punishment for not being there whenever it wants to be held. LOL

My neighbours chicken just turned up after three days!
We were sure the fox had had it!
Thanks Pinkaboo. Its just weird as I don't remember them being wet at all the 3 days of the show......they looked all fluffy and clean LOL And it goes against everything I usually do, putting them together after only 3 weeks. :-S
My neighbours chicken just turned up after three days!
We were sure the fox had had it!

I'm still hoping but fading. I sure hope he shows up. I'm kind of afraid he will be gone for weeks or months, show up and be wild. I'll accept him back any way he wants to get back but I will probably have to quarantine him, won't I?
She's lovely!

So..I had a terrible time finding a breeder. And of course now that I've found a couple (2), it's too hot to ship that far, even IF someone we're willing. Not able to hatch yet so eggs are out.
Anyways....I broke down and ordered some from Ideal, because they'd ship overnight (I'm only 3 hours away).
I know they obviously won't be show quality, but do you think they will be a good basic representation, at least personality wise?
Let us know how they turn out color wise….I bought my first chicks from Ideal and Cackle about 10 years ago and they were true colored and a good representation of the breed….I still have the son of one of my first pairs for an outcross.

As we see birds from each of the hatcheries, if there are real deviations from what they should look like ( not necessarily talking show quality), its a good idea to send a *nice* note with background information or pics of what you have and what the look should be. Some may not care but they are not going to get better unless people start bringing it to their attention.
This is Nina, one of two with a lot of black bleeding into her coloring. I got them from Baxter here in WA, but I know they get theirs from a hatchery someplace. Unsure which one.

Despite the non-standard coloring, I do think the black ends on the feathers are neat looking. Being for eggs and pets we have no intention of breeding these, so no worries about that part of things.

In the background you can see Etta. She has less black overall, but her beard is almost totally black. She's a hoot to look at :)

As far as personality goes, they are very sweet. P.J. (not pictured) is our most docile by far. She's the first to greet me every morning and if I lay down in the grass, she always comes over to inspect me and hang around. Can't comment on eggs yet. Only 1 hen laying yet. Light brown eggs, thick shells, but still pullet size.

When it's time for more birds, I will be looking for a breeder with birds that are more true-to-form.
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I hate to interrupt the thread, but I was wondering if there is anyone out there that breeds and sexes the chicks? I need a few female chicks and don't really want to go the hatchery route.
Let us know how they turn out color wise….I bought my first chicks from Ideal and Cackle about 10 years ago and they were true colored and a good representation of the breed….I still have the son of one of my first pairs for an outcross.

As we see birds from each of the hatcheries, if there are real deviations from what they should look like ( not necessarily talking show quality), its a good idea to send a *nice* note with background information or pics of what you have and what the look should be. Some may not care but they are not going to get better unless people start bringing it to their attention.
I sure will!

And good idea! I hadn't thought of that!

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