Faverolles Thread

Decisions, decisions... This week was full of them... I sold a flock of Marans and a flock of dark layers and am using the space to expand the Favs. So now the whites have a nice new home, the Salmons are staying put and the Blue Salmons also have new residence. I love having everybody sorted except my one lone Mahogany hen who is in with the whites... Her eggs are a totally different color (tan) so I can pick them out easy. I love these birds and plan to do a lot of hatching and expand my flocks....

And for those interested we have expanded lots of other things on the farm... In addition to the chickens I have two new Gloucester Old Spot Pigs I will be breeding... two new Mini-Jersey cows providing milk for my cheese making projects and for the chickens and pigs and a new flock of Cotton Patch Geese from Tom Walker. Life is busy in a good way and the chickens are a happy part of it.

Henry I am really going to miss your chicken stories when you head off to school. You have done an awesome job of maintaining this thread and I so enjoy keeping up with how each of you is doing with your birds. Now that we are done with hatching eggs for the season and well on our way with kidding, calving, farrowing and hatching I hope to have more time to check in on you all.

Peace and Blessings from our farm to you!

Are you talking to Leisha or me? Its to hot for me to ship eggs and I don't think Leisha ships eggs. Oh and pasofino has LF so you would only be able to have one egg!
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Are you talking to Leisha or me? Its to hot for me to ship eggs and I don't think Leisha ships eggs. Oh and pasofino has LF so you would only be able to have one egg!

Or to Chickie'sMoma about the enameled earlobes?

Also, are you sure you only want to hatch one egg? There's nothing worse than a singleton chick. Peep peep peeeeeeeeeppppp!
just wanted to share a picture of "Henry".he is such a sweet little stud.

Are you talking to Leisha or me? Its to hot for me to ship eggs and I don't think Leisha ships eggs. Oh and pasofino has LF so you would only be able to have one egg!

Or to Chickie'sMoma about the enameled earlobes?

Also, are you sure you only want to hatch one egg? There's nothing worse than a singleton chick. Peep peep peeeeeeeeeppppp!

I'm sure..... I was just wondering in general if it is too late in the year to hatch. Also, a singleton chick wouldn't be that lonely considering that I'm home all summer just sitting on the couch and doing summer homework. Also, I'm buying an egg in the fall from ()relic, I believe.
It's not too late. I'll probably set some later this week or next. Hatching does take practice so don't be discouraged if the egg doesn't hatch.

I once drove an hour to get a buddy for a single chick. I couldn't take the all day long and all night long peeping! For some reason the mirror trick or a stuffed animal didn't help.
oh...... that's why I want to get local eggs, so then my chances are greater. Does anyone know of a good probe thermometer hygrometer?
I will I was on a very long rope ha ha and I just had to be reigned in
It worked out fine and I am looking forward to being free again but not to free. I am one of those kids who I think can at least partially see from my parents point of view so I totally understand why I am grounded I was being a #$%^ head anyway
now back to favs so far the hovabator has stayed steady. I have a brinsea Eco 20 which is my favorite but I can't do staggered hatches in it so I bought and LG which I hate and then I bought a hovabator with auto turner which is alright but need a room with stable temperatures which is hard to get in this house. What does everyone else use to hatch. I think I know Dick and Leisha have sportsmans what do you guys do for staggered hatching do you hatch in a small incubator or just pump the humidity in the big one ?

i gave up dealing with incubators and decided that the real thing seems to have a better hatch rate and less use of electricity or water! so i've gone BROODY!!!

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