Faverolles Thread

I'm fairly sure she's a BYC member too. I'll have to see if I can remember her username. She's way up there in NE VT, correct?

Yep seems like it Peter is probably going to call and talk to her. I also sent her an email. I think I remember someone in VT with faverolles names Yevette.


your right "Yevette" does have Favoralles, she's from Barton VT and her screen name is "whitewolfvt"
she was interested in my Blue Fav Rooster when I was selling him, but she's about 4 hrs from the Mass border.

I hope this helps, Good thing I keep old messages... never know when I need them
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That's it! She had been interested in some fav pullets and Langshans a while ago but couldn't get down this way to get them.
I remembered your name. Yvette isn't common! Though I did go to high school with an Yvette.

Too bad you need to rehome them. Favs are the best! Too bad you're so far north or I could at least help to ship them.
Heehee. Well, welcome to or back to the fav thread. Sorry to hear you are having to get rid of your favs. They are pretty birds. Sounds like that when Peter and Jeanine get done arguing over and divying them up they'll have great homes! Heehee.

Good luck and god bless with your health problems!
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Well, it up to Henry really. I don't ship, mainly because it makes me nervous and I have never done it before. They are too precious.

I don't really want to give them up to tell you the truth. I started with 2 roos and a hen...Dude, Steve and Sweetie. Then Rose came to a swap with some 3 week old chicks, so I grabbed 5 more so that when they were old enough, each roo would get 3 hens. I sold Dude with one of the younger girls a couple of months ago to a couple that adored them, especially the roo. That broke my heart (to give them up) because Dude would go sledding with my son and sit on the tire swing opposite of him. However, Dude ended up starting fights with his brother whom he grew up with (this was before the new hens) until one or both were bloody and then he would start with the one Silkie roo, Fred. I am seriously having second thoughts. The only other ones I am keeping as of right now are 2 pairs of Nankins (another great and extremely rare breed) and our silver Naked Neck, Kevin (girl btw). Sigh..
How nice to have you show up.
i'm not gonna argue with anyone.-) i would be interested in the entire group as i want to work with them as a group. but whatever happens happens. i really need to add salmon btms like i need to have a flock of 100 favs again. gosh n i've been so happy just breeding every few years to keep going...numbers low. i'm feeling the need for therapy again. that might be cheaper.


Just remember, the chickens are supposed to be therapeutic.......in moderation.
And I was kidding about y'all arguing!!
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Well, there shall not be any more arguing over these birds....

I have actually been thinking about this all day and I just went through and looked at some more pictures and I just can't get rid of them. Sweetie comes running as soon as she sees me come out the door and is always the first for snacks!
I am sorry if I upset anyone, but I LOVE these birds. I have Fibromyagia and when I had all of the chickens, I had over 50. I have a husband that doesn't really care for the chickens and 2 children that refuse to help. I hurt so bad after tending the chickens and goats (they are for sale too) that I don't sleep well. I don't care what the DH thinks, I am keeping one of the first chicken breed (besides Silkies) that I ever had.

Just sharing some photos..........


Dude with Sweetie


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