Faverolles Thread

pfmerlin said:
as i only have the one lav/blk split female it's going to be slow in getting there since only 1/4 supposedly will be lav. i will be then using her with the other male and then FINALLY when i'm done there iw ill use the splash on her. it's kinda like me using my two sal girls to re-cerate flock. slow. let's hope i have enough patience to do it. it's really the same story with the one blue puillet i'm using to create the nephews to go back onto the blu n splash males full sister and that will be slow too..

I can relate Peter. I have only the one Fav hen who lays 2 days and then takes 1 day off. I forsee many staggered hatches in my immediate flock building future.
At least it looks like I will have one, possibly two keepers from my October hatch so this summer the egg collecting might go a bit faster.​
i would love to find a pair of black or 1 black and 1 blue pullet/hen to add to my cuckoo project! would anyone be willing to ship some this spring? or maybe 6-12 eggs from their flock?
Hey Chickie'sMoma have you seen the pic of my pint sized bantam pullet? Jackie said she came from your eggs. She's half the size of a normal bantam, but surprisingly with twice the lung capacity. She said she had some other chicks from that hatch that were ultra small but not sure why.
Keesmom, i saw her pic a few days ago. i wish i knew what line she came from. i have my girl Delilah who is still small at 7mo old but not quite as small as that little girl is! do you know if she does a baw-BAWK-baw baw BAWK baw kind of call? or sort of like a woodpecker's laugh-short but quick notes? i seem to have noticed that coming only from Zeus, his daughter Kiva and her daughter Delilah! if she sounds like that she may come from their line somewhere. my Hat Trick trio and Mosey don't seem to do that.

i do know that when i first got my Hat Trick trio and Mosey i didn't have my flock on any sort of extra special feed for breeding so i don't know if that had anything to do with it? i did hatch out my own chicks on 6/16/2010 and Delilah was one of them but everyone that i kept are bigger than her and developing fine. could it have been the incubator that stunted the growth of all the chicks she had hatched? they were all bantam eggs since that is all i had in my coop last spring. the chicks i hatched were under 2 broodies.

eta: i should have mentioned that i was looking for LF eggs or girls!
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Hi everyone! This is Wendy from Ann Arbor, MI. I recently took a road trip to Toronto to pick up three very beautiful pullets from a breeder in Trenton, Canada, who started his flock with birds from Peter Merlin, Dick Boulanger, and Ron Patterson. I have been in search of a rooster, so have already sent pictures of these birds to some of you privately, and Peter mentioned them a few days back, on page 572. I would love to post photos, but apparently newly registered members are restricted from such goings on
Hi Guys,
I just wanted to let you guys know what I am doing right now. I am condensing a lot of the information that I deem Valuable to breeding Faverolles that has been posted on this thread. I know there is a lot of great talk going on here and I love that too. But I think its gotten hard to pick through it all and get the important breeding information. I am posting it on our Faverolles Fanciers website and I am also in the process of getting a section specifically for the Faverolles Fanciers on another forum. PM me for the name because its not allowed to post the name here. I am not leaving BYC but several people might find the other place more preferable. This doesn't mean I don't appreciate BYC if you read through this post you will understand that I have developed a lot of my Faverolles knowledge from this site and talking to experienced breeders we have on this thread. I can also start a Faverolles thread 2 and post the information there if you guys would like that and we can continue our discussions there as this thread it getting really long and hard to read through.


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