Faverolles Thread

just learning about them now and am bidding on some at thepoultrybid site, salmon favs- trying to narrow down my breeds, my large fowl are primarily EEs and cochins, have some seramas and heard about favs and nothing negative about them...
I've got an updated picture I'm hoping you all can help with sexing. I've got the 6 Bantam Favs that were hatched, 4 are very obviously girls, 1 of the others is a boy (I think) with darker wing feathers than this. But this one is a little confusing. Where it would normally be black wing feathers coming in, it's gray. Yet the shoulder feathers (2nd pic) are light tan at the tips and in the sheath they look darker. Does anyone have Blue Salmons that they remember how they colored in? Or could this be just a darker girl? The shoulder feathers are throwing me some since they're not coming in black but they're darker than the other girls. The lady I got them from does have a Blue Salmon boy that she hatched from her birds so either is possible. I'm hoping someone here knows.

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i remember seeing you photo, a beauty too! one of the issues for fine artist has been things like this, the only way to do your photos on the web and protect them is to upload very low resolution or say put the name of your farm across them- it is a continuous battle- can you contact them? Seeing as they are new to ebay, explain copyright infringement??

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