Faverolles Thread

Hello !
Sorry to barge on here, but I am planning on ordering some Salmon Faverolles, and want to know from you FVerolle Experts where the best place to get some would be. I am going in on an order with a friend who wants to have a hertage breed , as do I and we settled on theese, they have always been on my wish list, I am so excited! Since we will be breeding them to carry on the breed we want to start with good stock. do you have any suggestions? She found some on purely poultrys website, I had never heard of them, and am well aware of hatchery quality being lacking sometimes, but thought I.would check. Thank You!
Where in Maine are you? We travel to central ME every other week or so, and I'm hatching now (got a late start).
Is this a Salmon Faverolle? I rescued this hen about a month ago. It was a rooster's favorite hen to mate with, and the other hens almost bullied it to death. It would hide all day and only come out at night to eat, after everyone else had gone to bed. The rooster loved this hen so much her back was raw and scabbed up.\

I have no roosters at my place, only hens, so I took her. All of her back feathers are coming back, and the scabs have healed. She is currently with my young pullets, raising them and teaching them how to forage. She is great adoptive mother and very good with the babies. Any of my other adults would have pecked the babies to death. I hope that since she is raising this batch of pullets, that they will not pick on her when they are older.

I was told this was a Salmon Faverolle, but I'm not sure. Looking at the pics you all have posted, they have a beard and no wattles, but this one has wattles and no beard. Her comb is really funky as well.

Is this a Salmon Faverolle? I rescued this hen about a month ago. It was a rooster's favorite hen to mate with, and the other hens almost bullied it to death. It would hide all day and only come out at night to eat, after everyone else had gone to bed. The rooster loved this hen so much her back was raw and scabbed up.\

I have no roosters at my place, only hens, so I took her. All of her back feathers are coming back, and the scabs have healed. She is currently with my young pullets, raising them and teaching them how to forage. She is great adoptive mother and very good with the babies. Any of my other adults would have pecked the babies to death. I hope that since she is raising this batch of pullets, that they will not pick on her when they are older.

I was told this was a Salmon Faverolle, but I'm not sure. Looking at the pics you all have posted, they have a beard and no wattles, but this one has wattles and no beard. Her comb is really funky as well.

I would say that she is probably a Faverolles mix of some kind. She's salmon colored, has the feathered legs and 5 toes, but as you said the lack of a beard / muffs and she has wattles, and the odd comb, but her type is also not there for a pure Fav, even a hatchery one. So yes, likely a Fav cross. ;) Congrats to you for getting what seems like a sweet bird!
Where in Maine are you? We travel to central ME every other week or so, and I'm hatching now (got a late start).
I live about 1/2 hour out of Bangor and I have family in the Waterville area. That would be wonderful! I would much rather have locally bred birds! Thank you! Could you PM me and we can try and set something up?
Here's my six week old girl. Not looking to show her or anything, just curious how she meets the breed standard so far.

It's hard to tell on beard at this age, because they tend to lose it for a while during this stage. Did she have much beard fluff as a chick? Her toes look decent from what I can see, there is some webbing there, but they don't appear to be fused. She has a lot of color in her chest though...
I've only been a faverolles "mom" for 6 weeks now, but I'm in love with these guys! I bought my 6 LF salmon faverolles as SR from Estes Hatchery. (Hindsight being 20/20, I would have looked for a breeder. BUT -- these guys are super sweet and I'm only looking for eggs at this point. No showing or breeding!!) Out of the 6, four are definitely pullets. However one of the girls has yellow (!) legs now. Has regular SF coloring, 5 toes, muff/beard, etc. but obviously "something" must be lurking in her background! LOL. I'm completely stumped by the remaining 2 chicks though. I posted to the breed/gender thread to see if anyone has any ideas, but thought I'd come straight to the experts for their opinions.



So, are these two roos or just VERY poorly colored pullets?

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