Faverolles Thread

I know you know Henry, I should've said that it was more of a general statement to the masses.
the pics are great. Please do away with the srpig child. #1 is good but gives me impressions of his relatives with perhaps a bit too silver of a gene. # 3 is darker and i wouldn't discard him yet. you younguns need to know how rare the 4/5 pointed kind are. 6 points wouldn't even get any points off. Now if you do my ryhme - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 this little chicken needs to go to heaven or 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 this little chicken has garnished my hate, then that's a different matter. but, of course your birds have to be able to sustain such a ryhme. if everything has 7=heaven or 8=hate then one has to be reasonable and not kill everyting. lol
#1's head is the type of head one looks for. thicker, heavier at the eyebrow, almost a slight good asiatic head. those are things that one really only gets to see to its fullest if one has 3+ yr old stock.
have fun
I know you know Henry, I should've said that it was more of a general statement to the masses.
Reminders are always appreciated. I haven't thought about breeding/ culling in a long time and am afraid I am rusty even though I was still just learning when I stopped breeding and came to college. Got to get my head back in the game.
the pics are great. Please do away with the srpig child. #1 is good but gives me impressions of his relatives with perhaps a bit too silver of a gene. # 3 is darker and i wouldn't discard him yet. you younguns need to know how rare the 4/5 pointed kind are. 6 points wouldn't even get any points off. Now if you do my ryhme - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 this little chicken needs to go to heaven or 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 this little chicken has garnished my hate, then that's a different matter. but, of course your birds have to be able to sustain such a ryhme. if everything has 7=heaven or 8=hate then one has to be reasonable and not kill everyting. lol
#1's head is the type of head one looks for. thicker, heavier at the eyebrow, almost a slight good asiatic head. those are things that one really only gets to see to its fullest if one has 3+ yr old stock.
have fun
I will certainly do away with the sprig male. I do like #3 as well and will make sure to hold onto both of them. Both of these males have generally good combs with 5 or 6 points. That is a great ryhme and I will certainly remember that! Glad that #1's head is the right shape. That is the one thing that really stood out to me aside from his heavier beard and muff. I cannot wait to see these males when fully mature. Should be exciting to see them when their colors come in. I certainly will have fun. Thanks JJ!
the pics are great. Please do away with the srpig child. #1 is good but gives me impressions of his relatives with perhaps a bit too silver of a gene. # 3 is darker and i wouldn't discard him yet. you younguns need to know how rare the 4/5 pointed kind are. 6 points wouldn't even get any points off. Now if you do my ryhme - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 this little chicken needs to go to heaven or 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 this little chicken has garnished my hate, then that's a different matter. but, of course your birds have to be able to sustain such a ryhme. if everything has 7=heaven or 8=hate then one has to be reasonable and not kill everyting. lol
#1's head is the type of head one looks for. thicker, heavier at the eyebrow, almost a slight good asiatic head. those are things that one really only gets to see to its fullest if one has 3+ yr old stock.
have fun
So I am new to the Favs. I take it from this that the fewer points on the comb is better? 4/5 being ideal? Now I have to go count!
They even have air conditioning!!!

Except that we are looking at the back side of the A/C unit. Which means it will be exhausting heat into the coop. Something to be aware of, hopefully the window can be opened (and is covered with 1/2" hardware cloth). There may also be other ventilation that we can't see in the pictures.
Got a few pictures now, although they do not like their pix taken:

I know what you mean, I take about 15 pictures to get one that:
1) isn't fuzzy because they are constantly moving.
2) is ANYTHING like the angle I want to get.

I wouldn't get nervous just yet though I REALLY know what you are talking about. First time "father" of chickens. Of our 12 (6 breeds) I was first worried about one of the Australorps because it was bigger at 4 1/2 weeks than the other and it's comb was a bit bigger. I posted pictures and asked what people thought and someone posted pictures of their 4 week old's HUGE combs. I breathed a sigh of relief

Then I was worried about the Cubalayas because they were so differently colored and they are both supposed to be Blue Red. Turns out one is a Splash Red, I breathed a sigh of relief

So now at 12 weeks I'm only worried about the Anconas since one has a definitely pink comb which is somewhat larger than the yellow/orange comb on the other. But Ancona hens have pretty good sized combs and wattles so
. If people say that the "chicken flip" thing works, I'm going to go grab a couple of chickens!

I think there can be a lot of variation in color and it might be more important for people who want to show or breed than a determining factor in gender. My Salmon Faverolles came from Ideal Poultry (a hatchery in Texas). I have NO idea how they "stack up" as for proper type. Certainly they don't have anywhere near as much leg feathering as some pictures I've seen here. Plus, while they are "fluffy" some here are REALLY fluffy looking.

This is Anais at 8 weeks:

and at 10 weeks:

And this is Clemence at 8 weeks:

You can see the difference in coloring but I have no reason to think they are cockerels.
Okay. Off morning. Someone please remind me why I am working with chickens at all? And other than being supremely pretty... why Favorelles? Everything eats chickens!! grr. And chickens will eat everything that doesn't eat them!
Try not get to frustrated. I have recently lost a very special hen to a predator. I will get through this because it is a learning experience. I am working on pens for my birds. I let them free range which I love for them to be able to do, but I have to many predators. I am not OK with my birds getting picked off.

As to why Favs. Well that is a question only you can answer. I am still in the process of deciding on breeds. I had decided against Favs. I am changing my mind. After hatching some Favs for my mom. They are the cutest chicks and I am falling in love again. I am pretty excited about a few cockerels I have growing up. They were broody raised and a little wild. The amazing thing is they are still calm and docile. When I try and handle broody raised birds they act like they are going to die. Not the Fav boys. They calm down pretty quickly. I have been very impressed with these boys. They have been great foragers and have survived my predators so far. They are going into a pen this week.

So saying all that. I will be getting back into Favs because they are wonderful birds. I can not think of a more beautiful rooster than a Fav.

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