Faverolles Thread

Albon works for coccidia in dogs & cats, but i've never seen it used in chickens, or any other bird. There is no coccidiocidal medication readily available for use in chickens. The only med that is truly coccidiocidal in chickens is extremely cost prohibitive, and at least here is only available through the university, it costs about $600.

The only meds we have for use in chickens are coccidiostatic, which means that it makes it impossible for the cocci to reproduce, which lightens the cocci load to a level the birds can deal with. Most chickens that live in a wet climate carry cocci all the time.

I don't know why her vet used Baytril for cocciciosis in her chicken, that part doesn't make sense to me.
it works in chickens too i use it on my rabbits and chicks this summer
Albon does not cover the worst strain of cocci - tanella which in severe cases will cause bleed out internally. If you have a case you can drench the bird or youngun with it as to rely on a bird already showing physical signs will let cha down. Sulmet covers them all but should not be used past a certain number of days as it can cause liver damage.
Albon does not cover the worst strain of cocci - tanella which in severe cases will cause bleed out internally. If you have a case you can drench the bird or youngun with it as to rely on a bird already showing physical signs will let cha down. Sulmet covers them all but should not be used past a certain number of days as it can cause liver damage.
Thanks for the info! I've used Corrid with good success here...we have cocci really bad in the PacNW, I don't think our soil EVER really dries out...ugh...
You know, she said PeeWee was the first chicken she'd seen (small town, out in the sticks, etc) - She made a reference to her schooling days and recommended the Albon for the cocci.

- It's strange, his balance is just not quite what it should be, and there's something not right with his vision - depth perception, maybe.... It took a long time for him to be able to stand on one foot and scratch with the other without falling over. He would have a hard time hitting the mark when pecking at a specific piece of food, etc.... It's gotten better, but still
Albon does not cover the worst strain of cocci - tanella which in severe cases will cause bleed out internally. If you have a case you can drench the bird or youngun with it as to rely on a bird already showing physical signs will let cha down. Sulmet covers them all but should not be used past a certain number of days as it can cause liver damage.
Good to know, thank you.... I now keep Sulmet on hand, guess I need to get Corrid too.

He was in such terrible shape, I couldn't believe he made it through the night. I brought him inside and fed him with a syringe as much as he would eat and put a heat pad over the top of his box.... and called the vet the next morning...

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