Favorite Christmas Movie??


12 Years
Oct 1, 2007
Ophir, CA
We spent most of the day yesterday kicked back on the couch in jamies watching Old Christmas Movies. I LOVE doing this with my kids this time of year. I can not help laughing out loud when Bing and Danny Kaye are doing the sisters act in White Christmas. And no matter how many times I see it, I will always bawl at the end of It's a Beautiful Life. So..... What's your favorite holiday movie??
National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. It is dumb but it makes me laugh, I also love the Grinch who stole Christmas:D
I second that. Christmas Vacation is our must -see on Thanksgiving night. We have watched it every year since the early 90's.
My DH's favorite Christmas movie is The Chirstmas Story, he said it reminds him of his childhood. We watch all day christmas!
:D He loves the Bumbus dogs and of course the BB gun...
I don't really care much for the newer Christmas movies. It seems anything that remotely has anything to do with it being about the birth of Jesus is taboo these days. Christmas story is my fav for comedy hands down. Charlie Brown christmas, the Grinch who stole christmas, Rudolph. I remember the waltons a Criistmas homecoming this was aired every year for a long time. A Wonderful Life is a classic. But one movie stands out and for the life of me I can't remember the name. The basic storyline that I can remember is back in the old days(maybe the 1800s?) a immingrant family has a large family and somehow the father dies and the mother is left raising the kids alone, well the best i can remember is the mother gets sick and is gonna die and the oldest son is left the task of placing all his siblings in good homes. It was a tearjerker for sure. Does anybody out there remotely know what I am talking about and tell me the title. Thank you
Definitely "A Christmas Story"!
As for cartoons, it's a tie between "A Charlie Brown Christmas" and "The Grinch". I love the message in both that it's not about the STUFF.

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