Favorite hen having hard time breathing



6 Years
May 10, 2016
Hi! I hope someone can help my girl Margie. She is a I young cochin hen (about 1 1/2 yr old) that is having a hard time breathing and has to open her mouth to do so. Periodically she sneezes as if trying to clear her sinuses but it is a dry sneeze. Eyes are clear, nares are clean, clear and dry. No smell. No discharge anywhere. Reasonably normal acting, a little lethargic but still eating and drinking. Mostly just struggling to breathe which makes a raspy nasal sound.

I first noticed a week or so ago when her voice sounded very nasally, like a person with a sinus infection. But now she is breathing loudly like a wheeze and has her beak slightly open. Again nares clean and clear. So assuming respiratory infection, I started her on Tylan 50 injections, .05 ml per day in the breast muscle. By day 4 she was very objectionable to the shot from soreness so I gave 2 days of an oral dose. No change in symptoms. So I started Baytril .50 ml and am 3 days in still with no change.

My flock was wormed 6 weeks ago with Valbazen, and I gave two doses 14 days apart so I cant imagine it being gape worm.

The weather here has been erratic, warm and then very cold and although free ranged during the day this girl is quite the pet and stays on the porch or by the house most of the day. She was in fact broody when this began. She keeps to herself always independent of the other birds as she prefers the company of people rather than the other chickens. None of my other birds are showing any symptoms of anything at this time.

A few of my younger birds did have some pox last month but it was uneventful and all have recovered without any problems. Out if a flock of 30 maybe 4 had it. Only the young girls.

Could this one have wet pox? I am afraid she is going to suffocate! I have her in the house which she prefers anyway but I honestly cant sleep at night listening to her struggle to breathe. Margie is like one of my kids!

I have Gail Damerows book on chicken health but cannot seem to figure out what Im dealing with given that I have no dramatic signs of anything, no discharges or bad smells, nothing other than the breathing issue and nasal sounding noise she makes when she breathes. Can anybody help me with Margie? PLEASE
If it has not responded to Tylan or Baytril, you are probably dealing with a virus or possibly a fungus. Is she able to drink water? Have you looked inside her beak with a flashlight for any yellow or whitish-grey patches? There also might be mucus near her tracheal (airway opening.) It sounds like she may be gasping, but sometimes they make a noise called stridor if something is partially blocking the airway (mucus, swollen tissue, piece of feed.) Below is a peafowl, but note the open tracheal (airway) at the base of the tongue. It may be closed when you look inside the throat. Here is a video in post one of a chicken with stridor:

You haven't mentioned if you looked into her moth and throat. There may be an obstruction. Look at the tongue for any distortion, the throat for a foreign object.

What color is her comb? Was she one of the chickens that had the fowl pox? It might be in her throat.

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ANSWERING! I have tried and tried to get her mouth open to look in it but she wont let me and freaks out so bad and starts flailing so Im afraid Im going to hurt her. I have watched videos to try to learn pro ways to do it but I think she is afraid she wont be able to breathe at all.

Her comb and coloring are good, still rosy red. She was NOT one of the girls with pox. Im so worried about her! She looks tired tonight and is closing her eyes while standing. Im afraid she is getting worse?
If it has not responded to Tylan or Baytril, you are probably dealing with a virus or possibly a fungus. Is she able to drink water? Have you looked inside her beak with a flashlight for any yellow or whitish-grey patches? There also might be mucus near her tracheal (airway opening.) It sounds like she may be gasping, but sometimes they make a noise called stridor if something is partially blocking the airway (mucus, swollen tissue, piece of feed.) Below is a peafowl, but note the open tracheal (airway) at the base of the tongue. It may be closed when you look inside the throat. Here is a video in post one of a chicken with stridor:

View attachment 1974207
She is drinking quite a bit. She is picking at feed but it almost seems like when she puts her head down its harder for her to breathe if that makes sense. So I have elevated the food snd water onto blocks so they are raised to just below her beak. Her crop seems normal. Everything seems normal but the struggle to breathe. I have tried putting vet RX on her nares also and she objects loudly. She is not being a good patient and considering that she normally wants to sit in my lap all the time Im really surprised she is getting so upset with me trying to handle her?
If it has not responded to Tylan or Baytril, you are probably dealing with a virus or possibly a fungus. Is she able to drink water? Have you looked inside her beak with a flashlight for any yellow or whitish-grey patches? There also might be mucus near her tracheal (airway opening.) It sounds like she may be gasping, but sometimes they make a noise called stridor if something is partially blocking the airway (mucus, swollen tissue, piece of feed.) Below is a peafowl, but note the open tracheal (airway) at the base of the tongue. It may be closed when you look inside the throat. Here is a video in post one of a chicken with stridor:

View attachment 1974207

Her breathing is not that loud. Its more subtle. I need to figure out how to get a look in her mouth !
First, I have to say I don't know what the problem is exactly. Second, I would try the VetRX to see if it helps, also check for an obstruction.

Does anyone here object to the vetRX suggestion? I am not aware it is an antibiotic or something that should have a diagnosis before using. I just don't know what is wrong, but seems like you got most the bases covered already.

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