Favourite Blue or Blue/Green Egg Layers?

Ms Rose

Mar 15, 2022
Grey Highlands, Ontario, Canada
I'm wanting to get a couple of blue egg layers but not sure which breed to get. I'm in Ontario, Canada and our winters can get pretty cold and our summers can get quite hot so they need to be hardy. What is your favourite breed for blue layers and what makes them your favourite? Pictures of hens and eggs they lay appreciated :D
My favorite are Ameraucana! Here's mine! Easter eggers and Ameraucanas would be good if you live in a cold area.(Because they will most likely not get frostbite!)
I'm wanting to get a couple of blue egg layers but not sure which breed to get. I'm in Ontario, Canada and our winters can get pretty cold and our summers can get quite hot so they need to be hardy. What is your favourite breed for blue layers and what makes them your favourite? Pictures of hens and eggs they lay appreciated :D
Easter eggers or olive eggers lay blue and green eggs.
My favorite are Ameraucana! Here's mine! Easter eggers and Ameraucanas would be good if you live in a cold area.(Because they will most likely not get frostbite!)View attachment 3078561
In general where do you find the Ameraucana in the pecking order of a flock of mixed breeds? I'm picking up a couple Orpington and a couple Wyandottes hens shortly.
Well my ameraucana is sadly one of the hens at the bottom of the pecking order but I think it's because she is a lot smaller than the other hens, and also because she has a different comb type.
I have Easter Eggers and Olive Eggers. One of my EE is super friendly. My OE are decently friendly as well, but they have larger combs so frostbite might be an issue.

This year I’m adding Whiting true blue, whiting true green and cream legbar. None of which are known for being super cold hardy.

Next year the plan is to hatch some Ameraucana. They are great in the cold also.
Easter Eggers (abbreviated EE) are my favorite! They lay all colors of eggs, some brown, some green, and some blue. It's kind of a gamble when you get them, because you don't know for sure that they'll lay blue/green eggs. I've had two that lay brown eggs and three that lay blue/green. This is a picture of Nancy, an EE who lays blue eggs.

Her egg is the blue one in this picture, and another Easter Egger laid the green one. It's a good example of how the color can vary!

Another good blue egg laying breed is the Ameraucana. Some feed stores market EE's as Americanas or Araucanas, or any other misspelling of Ameraucana. I only have a rooster of this breed, but I've hatched some of his offspring, and they all lay either blue or green eggs. He's not as friendly as the EE's, who'll come right up to you and want to be hugged, but we didn't raise him ourselves.
My EE's have braved 2°F and 116°F, and everything in-between. Well, one of them didn't make it through the heat. She laid a double-yolked egg, and the heat was too much. She died that night. But on the whole, they do pretty well in extremes, though better in cold than heat.
Hope this helps!
We’ve got Whiting True Blues getting close to laying and I’m excited to see the different shades. The variety of flock colours is unmatched! I do agree they don’t seem cold hardy and I’m anxious for winter. We lost one from piling and the fellow that went in on our group order also lost several to the same issue. Either that or they’re just dumb as rocks, because they just needed a touch of light to find the perches and no more issues…My my younger, less feathered chicks were fine that same night 🤷🏽‍♀️
I do have two EEs that lay blue and green. Flighty, terrified of people, lowest on the pecking order… Just started laying and not consistent, small size. Hopefully it improves!

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