Feather Wings- True Story of My Chickens

okay, this chapter is LOOONG

He scratched and scratched at the door, and couldn’t get it open!
“Ha ha! Only WE know how to open the door!” Rosie blurted.
Then the back door opened, and a fierce barking sound wailed through the night and cut the air.
She ran full speed at the raccoon, and sent him running for his life. We got a glimpse of Senka’s teeth. Sharp, gleaming, even sharper than the coons. Before she got to the back door I yelled to her.
The black dog turned.
“Thank you.”
“I’ll always protect you. You are dear to my master and she’s taught me to like you too. You are always welcome.” She dipped her head in respect, and trotted off.
We awoke, and The Food Lady was gone, like she usually is for the most part of the day. Senka would stay outside until The Food Lady’s return. She mostly slept. Since the Food Lady was gone, this caused for another nap.
I awoke to the sound of the door at the end of our run opening. Free-range time! I quickly got out of the coop and into the yard.
More days and nights came and went. Then, all of the two legged animals came outside and let us free-range for awhile. Then a sharp drilling sound came from nowhere at all, and I turned. We had a new, bigger home! It was a huge square, and our coop in the middle of it! A side of it was left bare, as it was built by the ‘garage’ a GIANT COOP for the humans, disconnected from the other one, and this is where the humans can park their ‘cars’ or ‘trucks’. It had a roof, protected from the Hawk, a bird we often saw come around. The Food Lady picked up Rosie.
“Pepper.” She sighed.
“Amulet! I have a new name! I’m Pepper!” Pepper bocked at me.
The Food Lady mad a soft, chirring sound, which I guess was a laugh for humans.
When night fell, The Food Lady came out with Senka, and shut the coop door on us! We were trapped in the coop! If we didn’t get out…
Morning came, and The Food Lady came out, when it was still dark out, and opened the small coop door again!
And I realized this was a routine, that she did every morning and night.
But when I woke up one morning, I had no idea this would be Pepper’s biggest day yet.
Great story! I think there are not as many people around because of the holiday...I'm sure more people will stop by and read later.
I am still here!! ( had to go get married in gaitlandburg tn, and then a honeymoon! We both were just sick to get home and make sure our babies where fine! 37 eggs and no broodys! and no eaten eggs! whew! )
more I am riveted!!

We went about, pecking about, when Pepper cried out in pain.
“Aaaa!” She fell to the ground.
“Pepper! Go sit in the nesting box, you’ll feel better!” I screamed. And she did. I didn’t see her all morning, and then I heard her cry out.
“What is this thing that just came out of my booty?!”
I climbed in to see.
“I think it’s called an egg.”
Pepper pecked at it.
“No! Pepper, stop! Don’t hurt it! Leave it.” I encouraged her to come out. Two of the humans came out. The Glassy Eyed One, and The Food Lady. Glassy Eye screeched out something. And they took the egg inside.
“No!!!!” Pepper screeched, but banged flat into the closed run door.
“Pepper, it’s okay.”
Pepper didn’t say anything to me for the rest of the day.
As The Food Lady shut us in for the night, Pepper sat in the nesting box.

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