FeatherFeetFarms Shipped Egg Hatch-a-long!


Jan 17, 2022
I broke down and bought eggs on ebay from Blue Ribbons Farm. They have decent looking birds and I paid $24 for 6+ eggs. All are pure bantam, but assorted. Basically leftovers. I have a broody hen that I am going to use. She has a separate space in the coop where she can see other chickens, and I can let her out. Right now she is sitting on two dud eggs and 5 golf balls. The most exciting part... They come in today! So here I will update with candling results and such. Like I did with my last hatch-a-long you can adopt and egg. I would wait until they come in. I am so excited!
So good news. She sent 8 eggs. More bad news. One is cracked and ALL of them have detached aircells. Most of them are stage 3. Like floating around the egg. One tore the membrane and I can see a little piece of it floating around. Only a few have air cells still attached, even those are jiggly. Boots, the broody hen is still not sure if she wants to be broody or not. And the eggs are filthy. I think we are going to file damage with the post office. I wouldnt do that if there were a few detached air cells but when all of them are detached, I feel like something needs to be said. Also going to contact the seller about her packaging. The eggs were pointy side up. So the air cells have a chance at detaching even if they were not tossed around too bad. I'm really not very happy with the seller. On a side note does anybody know what breeds these may be? Especially the small white one.

Oh no!! What kind of seller sends shipped eggs pointy side up?? Either they are very new to chickens, or don't care :( I'm so sorry they are such a mess! You can try the suggestion someone gave me. Don't start them rotating with your turner on day 1, put them in the incubator in some kind of holder (I'm using a cut down egg carton) that keeps them upright for at least the first couple days and then candle to see if they have reattached. At that point you can decide to either keep incubating or give them to your broody if she stays broody??
She has offered to replace the eggs and said they usually ship pointy side down. I think I will have to wait until Monday to put them in because I have chicks hatching in there now. I will put them in in an egg carton and do gentle rotation by hand. If some develop and hatch I will put them under my broody as day olds. If none develop I will ask her to ship another batch.

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