February 2024 Hatch-Along (A time for ♥LOVE♥!!)

I love everyone's messages and pictures for the eggs. Meanwhile, I keep hearing peeping but I know its probably from the garage, yet I keep pulling yhe blanket off the incubator to see if anyone has started rocking and rolling.

Today is DAY 19. Does any one have any guesses as to who is going to hatch... first? DUN DUN DUN
Diamond! She's sharp, bright, and performs well under pressure!
Good morning eggies! Time to start zipping out of those shells!

Good Morning Hello GIF by PBS KIDS

(for those that don't know, I work 10 hours shifts and my commute is an hour to and from work, so during my work week, updates are sparse!)

Anyway!!! THE EGGS ARE ROCKING AND A ROLLING! Maybe baby chicks will burst forth tonight or tomorrow morning!

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