February Hatch-A-Long

I decided to go ahead and try candling a bit ago, since I was wondering how the shipped silkie egg's were coming along. Out of those 18 silkie hatching egg's that arrived, I have spider vein's in 13 of them. I am throwing out the other 5, because they were clear's.
Ah you just started 2 days before me then lol. I plan to not candle mine until Monday, which will be day 9. I'm not going to even start turning until this Friday. Shipped eggs needs babying for sure.
Finally did a candling of the eggs I set.
Guess I'll have to start over with chicks. Not one egg was fertile and started to form.
Congrats to those that hatched new babies
We survived our first go at incubation, but I lost a lot of sleep. Haha. We also got two chicks out of it. One from our first eggs put in, and one from the eggs put in four days later (because I thought for sure I had killed the first set with a temp spike early on). Both from the same hen, likely a black Australorp mix. The rooster is a Black Copper Marans mix. Unfortunately, my phone won't let me upload any pictures.

We had some sad losses too, the one from set A that pipped and died, and two from set B full grown, but no pips. :(

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