February Hatch-A-Long

I've got two bunches incubating:

7 lovely blue-green eggs from Lavender Fibromelanistic Easter Eggers (7 of 7 shipped eggs show development, woot!) due to hatch in 9 days.

11 mixed breeds of eggs including 3 Ayam Cemani, a couple Marans, a couple Legbar, and others due to hatch in 12 days. This batch was also shipped, PO smashed up 6 of the eggs, 18 set, 11 developing thus far.

Sounds like the post office is a bit to rough so sorry on your eggs getting destroyed. I hope you have a great hatch with the rest of them. It sure sounds promising so far.
Ok, I'm joining! Currently have 39 in the Genesis 1588 for a Valentine's (ish) hatch.
CCL, EE, Splash marans, Barnevelder & Australorp,

Where did you get your Australorp from? Are you breeding them to breed - utility or SQ standards? I'm looking for BA chicks to add to my flock. Looking for breeding/breeder stock, not hatchery lines... I might be interested in shipped hatching eggs later - right now I'm just trying hatching - this is my first time.

Same ? on your CCL. Where/whom did you get them from?

Good luck on your hatches!
Where did you get your Australorp from? Are you breeding them to breed - utility or SQ standards? I'm looking for BA chicks to add to my flock. Looking for breeding/breeder stock, not hatchery lines... I might be interested in shipped hatching eggs later - right now I'm just trying hatching - this is my first time.

Same ? on your CCL. Where/whom did you get them from?

Good luck on your hatches!

Mine (BA & CCL) are hatchery from My Pet Chicken. Not ideal, but they are great layers, healthy and super sweet. With saying that, I'd love to find a breeder close to us I could rely on for birds or eggs too. Especially if it's close enough to do farm pick-up. For now after this hatch we'll be close to coop capacity depending how successful it is, but you know...chicken math ;)

And thanks for the good luck wishes...right back at you! Hatching is addictive lol
My eggs arrived today! They'll be in the incubator tomorrow after a good rest.


My pretty babies!
It was -28 this am when the power went out. My eggs were 7 and 10 days to hatch. Will see if any survive. House got below 50 pretty quick.

Sadness. Time will tell. Got incubators back on now.

Chicks are a week old, had to bring everyone close to fire. Not ideal but they stayed warm enough. Had to cuddle the littlest one. The others did ok.

It was -28 this am when the power went out. My eggs were 7 and 10 days to hatch. Will see if any survive. House got below 50 pretty quick.

Sadness. Time will tell. Got incubators back on now.

Chicks are a week old, had to bring everyone close to fire. Not ideal but they stayed warm enough. Had to cuddle the littlest one. The others did ok.

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Oh no! Fingers crossed hoping everything works out! This weather lately hasn't been too accommodating, that's for sure
Well, I guess I am joining in as well. I am just collecting eggs and plan to put in around 100 Maran eggs in my Sportsman.
I haven't had great luck in the past with chickens but I am hoping for a good hatch this year.
Can't wait to get chicks again.

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