February Hatch-A-Long

Had 7 shipped eggs from down south, all developed, went through several hours of power outage where our temps were -28*F (house temp dropped to 45) for half a day, but still had peepers this morning. 6 out and fluffing up, one egg shows no pip (candled developed but no movement seen following the power outage). Not too shabby at all, given the struggles. :)

Got a mixed bag of breeds in the other incubator due to pip in a couple days. Hope I get some good numbers there, too! Eggs in there include some Ayam cemani, birchen and black copper marans, silver compine, olive egger, and others.

Oh, if I could hatch chicks out, I would so love to try some Ayam cemani. I'm so jealous, and congrats on hatching!
Set lockdown for this weekends hatch. 5 turkeys and 11 chicken eggs, some of the chicken look a little ...... like they still have lots of moisture in there..... not sure if its cuz I have been hatching turkey lately or???? Otherwise things look promising.
Last hatch we still have 12 out of 13 turkeys running around in the brooder


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I have eggs from my flock due this Monday the 11th, the 18th, and the 25th. Tomorrow I will be setting Quail eggs. Friday I will be setting Chicken and Turkey eggs. Next week will be more Chicken and some Duck eggs.
Well, two eggs down unfortunately. :hmm One wasn't fertilized, but the other has a very obvious blood ring, poor baby. A third might also have a blood ring, but it's hard to see in them quail eggs, so, down to 12, possibly 11.
I’m down to 3, 6 infertles guess my neighbors rooster doesn’t do his job well enough. But it’s weird because 4 of those were blue and all the blue came from the same hen but only 1 was fertile :idunno
I’m down to 3, 6 infertles guess my neighbors rooster doesn’t do his job well enough. But it’s weird because 4 of those were blue and all the blue came from the same hen but only 1 was fertile :idunno

She may have laid the 3 before the rooster got her or it was over 2 weeks since her last got her.
If anything it would be the ladder of the two, I think they had a rooster who died recently who was mainly with the hens, they’ve since switched roosters so it probably has something to do with that.

That is probably it. I know I have 22 hens with 3 roos.
I think this is the first time I've ever been super looking forward to a Monday! That's when my first batch goes on lockdown. They're the ameraucana batch -- man, those blue eggs are hard to candle. I might have to just do the sniff test and hope for no "exploders" right before lockdown. Or maybe the float test?

Had to toss a clear silkie egg from the 2nd batch. Set 12 more silkie eggs yesterday from a different source. Some of them are real hard to tell which end is which! Candling revealed where the air cells were but... they seemed awfully large for fresh eggs. They look like week old air cells. Hmmm. I purposely bought them from someone in-state figuring less travel time in the mail meant fresher eggs and less chance of being abused by USPS. Oh well.

I always say that the older I get, the faster time goes. Well I might have found the solution to make days go slower! Just need to wait for eggs to hatch!

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