February Hatch-A-Long

Today is lockdown! I candled them once more and one was an obvious dud. Broke it open and looks like it quit around day 9 or 10. The others I'm really not so sure about. The air cells are oddly shaped, one even extends down the side of the egg.

Now that they're no longer in the turner, I swear I see one move every once in awhile. I'm so anxious to see if any hatch or if they're all dead! The mid-way quitter didn't smell at all until I broke open the shell so now I'm nervous they're all bad.

3 more days!!
I ended up with 6 of 7 from one shipment and 9 from another shipment of the 11 locked down (this group was 27 eggs, but PO managed to rattle them hard enough to break the ends of 9 eggs in transit, dispite foam shippers and nice packing. Of the 18, 11 showed development and 9 hatched (unfortunately 2 of the non-hatchers were Ayam Cemani, but I got one!) Chicks all look great. Since I just wanted a mixed bag for my flock, I'm pretty happy, got a nice sampling of breeds for my flock. Both legbars are males, unfortunately, but hey, maybe I'll let them rule the flock.

Here are a few of the peepsters...

001 20190210 Ayam Cemani 01 (3).jpg 002 20190210 Blue Copper Marans 01 (2).jpg 005 20190210 Legbar 01 Male (3).jpg 007 20190210 Swedish Flower Hen 01 (2).jpg 008 20190211 Barbezieux 01 (3).jpg 009 20190211 Silver Campine 01 (3).jpg
I ended up with 6 of 7 from one shipment and 9 from another shipment of the 11 locked down (this group was 27 eggs, but PO managed to rattle them hard enough to break the ends of 9 eggs in transit, dispite foam shippers and nice packing. Of the 18, 11 showed development and 9 hatched (unfortunately 2 of the non-hatchers were Ayam Cemani, but I got one!) Chicks all look great. Since I just wanted a mixed bag for my flock, I'm pretty happy, got a nice sampling of breeds for my flock. Both legbars are males, unfortunately, but hey, maybe I'll let them rule the flock.

Here are a few of the peepsters...

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Cuteness overload :jumpy
Thank you for sharing. They look fantastic!
To me those stats sound great for shipped eggs, I did 2 lots before Christmas and got 4 chicks from 27 eggs and 2 chicks from 44 eggs, some of the fail definitely falls on mistakes I made but I think the post contributed a lot too.
Well done on your chicks :thumbsup
Well, I guess I'll join in on this one. I have 3 batches due this month. I have some cochins and crosses due the 19th, cochins due the 25th, and some shipped Svart Hona due the 28th(fingers crossed!). I've already done a few staggered hatches last month and beginning of this month. I got 100% on my mixed eggs and all but one of my cochin eggs so far. Unfortunately, my shipped Bielefelders only hatched 3 out of 20. 21 sent, 1 clear. then 3 quit. 17 went to lockdown but 14 never pipped. At least I got a trio out of them.
Congrats on your hatches. Shipped eggs are such a gamble. I've hatched anything from 0 to 90% from them, usually directly inversely proportional to the shape the box/eggs arrive in, which makes sense.
So disappointing. I paid an large sum for silkie eggs off eBay (got into a bidding war, got carried away) and today is day 5. So candled and.... not much. Out of 13 - all clears except 2. :(:hit
It is quite a gamble. These were packed well and seemed to arrive in good shape. Who knows, but the trio more than pays for the eggs so I am happy there.

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