February/March 2017 Hatch-a-long

Chicks are due tomorrow. I had an external pip as of this morning. The other three responded when I tapped on the egg. Hoping they all make it and wondering what I will get (full Marans or did the Cochin manage to work his way in).
I have six Indian runner eggs, 6 silkie eggs and 36 Japanese quail in the bator! 12 days to go for the quail this will be my first ever hatch so I'm beyond excited
like a kid at Christmas!!
I candled my turkeys today. I don't know why I said 11 before. I have 10 turkey eggs. Anyway, I saw 6 definite little turkey embryos swimming around. 4 look to be very early quitters or clears, but I'll leave them in for a bit longer. Some of the air cells are wonky, so I will be keeping an extra close eye at hatching.

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