Fecal Float Questions

They look like hookworms to me. Use to do FFs all the time in vet clinics and that was my initial thought when I saw them. Always liked looking at poop under a microscope wish I had one at home.
Just an observation on some of the posts I've seen on BYC. A general reluctance to medicate, not even coccidiostat.
Yes, because many here are growing chickens for food that doesn't have any drugs in them.
I have seen this too.
Have also seen the knee jerk response to dump all kinds of meds into birds without much forethought.
veterinary clinical parasitology.jpg

Well, I also have horses so I’m trying to learn. With any livestock you really should be doing a fecal float before and after deworming protocols. But that’s really expensive so I end up doing fecal floats once or twice a year on my horses. Resistance is a huge deal with worms in all livestock. You give them a wormer for something they don’t need, and there’s residues left in their system. Future bugs use that to build resistance to deworming medication.

if you know exactly which worms you have and don’t have, you can use more specific medications targeting to just that parasite. In the long run, if you stay on top of it, you can be deworming the “high shedding” animals more often as the problems develop and not even have to use wormers on those without the worms.

it may still fit in my scenario that a broad spectrum is worth it in this specific instance.
It warms my cockles to hear you say this. You are so right! I haven't read through the thread yet, but what you have are ascaridia. It can be difficult to distinguish these from Heterakis. I LOVE that you measured them. I can't tell you how many veterinarians ask me what the heck this thing is and they don't give me any information. (forget size, I mean things like what kind of animal is this from and what is the sample? Blood? Poop? Skin scraping?)
What you have here is pretty clearly Ascaridia, it's more oval and the sides of the egg aren't parallel.

The other object you show, I can't identify. It does not look like a tapeworm segment though. It could be a fly larva or something, or it could just be poop flotsam.
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