Hello, all!
With the price of feed going up, what are y'all doing to stretch your feed budget? I'm switching from the box store to the local grain mill & I'm thinking about mixing my feed with scratch grains. What about adding a wild bird seed mix to the feed/scratch? Can I add any other livestock feed to the poultry feed? We have a lot of cattle ranches here, so livestock/horse feed is sometimes easier to come by & cheaper if you buy in bulk. I am willing to reduce the number of my birds, if need be, but I'd like to exhaust all my other options first. I did get a price list from the grain mill and I could add things like oats, corn, barley, etc if need be and it's actually cheaper than some of the premade feeds. I already give them our table scraps (only the ones they can have, the dogs get the rest), grass clippings, and have cut out the mealworms/other treats. I'm just trying to stretch my feed supply. Thanks for any help
With the price of feed going up, what are y'all doing to stretch your feed budget? I'm switching from the box store to the local grain mill & I'm thinking about mixing my feed with scratch grains. What about adding a wild bird seed mix to the feed/scratch? Can I add any other livestock feed to the poultry feed? We have a lot of cattle ranches here, so livestock/horse feed is sometimes easier to come by & cheaper if you buy in bulk. I am willing to reduce the number of my birds, if need be, but I'd like to exhaust all my other options first. I did get a price list from the grain mill and I could add things like oats, corn, barley, etc if need be and it's actually cheaper than some of the premade feeds. I already give them our table scraps (only the ones they can have, the dogs get the rest), grass clippings, and have cut out the mealworms/other treats. I'm just trying to stretch my feed supply. Thanks for any help