feed - the more you read the more confusing it gets


10 Years
May 24, 2009
Rockvale, TN
I have a feeder that holds nearly 2x 50lb sacks of feed that I built and is sitting in my bb red coop. The design is basically like a gravity fed dog feeder with a divider for 2 different kinds of food if I choose.

Now that you know what I have, here is what I've been keeping in there. On one side I've been keeping the normal layer pellets that you get from TSC. I don't remember the % protein. On the other side I keep cracked corn. Out in the run I scatter oyster shell. The chickens are free to choose what they want to eat and feed is always available. I've noticed that they have eaten waaaaaaaaaay more cracked corn tan the layer pellets. I'm almost out of cracked corn and was going to be replacing the cracked corn with scratch grains which of course has cracked corn in it among other things.

Do you guys think I'm doing right? What else would be suggested?

Yep. I've been reading that it isn't as healthy and should be offered more in the winter, but the choice by the chicken is clearly more cracked corn than the pellets.


Is there nothing that can be bought without breaking the bank that is close to perfectly balanced?
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ya most do tend to chose that over the healthy thing i mix all of my chickens food up and they still pick the corn out first so some days i dont give it to them only the layers just to keep em healthy and things like that maybe if they dont like pellets try crumbles
So I shouldn't feed all scratch grain? Ive always feed all scratch and cracked corn I have never ever bought layer. Do roosters eat layer because its called layer like as in for a hen that lays right? Im confused.
all scratch isnt healthy either they need protein which comes in starter grower and layers roosters are ok to eat layers. if pullets or hens lay the should get layers and they should get grower up until the first egg is layed and starter well thats for the little ones lol
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Alright... I probably won't buy anymore cracked corn. I'll get the scratch grains still, but will mix in more pellets than scratch for the normal offering that is available at all times. I'll throw some scratch grain in run as a treat some.

What do you think about my method of food available at all times in a feeder? I do this because there are some times that I can't get out there to see them for a few days at a time. This is also the reason I have a 5 gallon waterer that can last a couple weeks.
I would like to have feed for them out at all times but I have goats with my chickens, ducks, geese, and turkeys. Does anyone have the same issue as I do, and if so, how do yall feed?

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