Feeding a mixed flock

It is unusual for an All Flock or grower feed to be 16% protein (though I have seen it in organic feeds). Are you sure the 16% isn't layer feed (4% calcium)?
The only All Flock feeds I've seen from various mills was either 18% or 20% crude protein.

If, for some reason you want to temporarily boost protein, you can do so with fish or meat a couple days a week. Or even crickets or meal worms. Adult crickets are about 50% protein as is most meat and fish. So it doesn't take much but the big advantage to animal protein is that it is high in the essential amino acids that are usually missing in vegetative sources.

Chickens are omnivores, not vegans.
It is unusual for an All Flock or grower feed to be 16% protein (though I have seen it in organic feeds). Are you sure the 16% isn't layer feed (4% calcium)?
The only All Flock feeds I've seen from various mills was either 18% or 20% crude protein.

If, for some reason you want to temporarily boost protein, you can do so with fish or meat a couple days a week. Or even crickets or meal worms. Adult crickets are about 50% protein as is most meat and fish. So it doesn't take much but the big advantage to animal protein is that it is high in the essential amino acids that are usually missing in vegetative sources.

Chickens are omnivores, not vegans.
I called and spoke to them over the phone and that’s what she told me it was. My husband is going later today to pick it up so I’ll be checking before he purchase it.
I called and spoke to them over the phone and that’s what she told me it was. My husband is going later today to pick it up so I’ll be checking before he purchase it.
Never trust what a feed store employee tells you. They are NOT EXPERTS>
Read the guaranteed analysis tag. If it is over 2% calcium, it isn't appropriate for mixed flocks.
I'm guessing you got some one on the phone who wasn't really listening to you! That happens a lot. You can feed unmedicated starter or a multi flock that is designed for chicks to adults. the protein content should be 18 - 22%. Your adult birds can eat that, just add some oyster shell on the side. Be sure your husband does not bring back a pelleted feed.
I tried to look earlier but Nutrena website was down...
Chick starter is min 18% protein and .80%-1.3% calcium.
All Flock is 18% p 1.4%-1.9%c
Layer 16%p 3.7%-3.9%c
Feather Fixer 18%p 3.25%-3.75%c

Depending on what is available around you will depend on what you end up feeding. I went with Feather Fixer in the end because it had more calcium for the girls but not as much as a layer feed for the boys. I'd tried the all flock with oyster shell on the side and found my rooster eating it and soft shells from the girls. When I switched I no longer get soft shells and don't catch the boys eating oyster shell either.
Your birds will let you know what they need. If you try a feed and no one eats it, it doesn't do you any good. You could give layer feed and still find soft shells here and there. Each bird is different.
I have a tough time finding something with 20% protein and 1% calcium.
I’ve been feeding Dumor organic grower crumbles at 17% protein & .70 - 1.2% calcium with oyster shell on the side.
My girls eggs have good hard shells and my rooster seems healthy.
I was feeding Feather Fixer as a sort of supplement/treat but I became concerned by the higher calcium in it.
Now I supplement the Feather Fixer by mixing it 50/50 with the grower.

Still...I’d love to find an organic All Flock or something similar with at least 20% protein in my area (Southern Idaho). It’s hard to find any organic feed with more than 18% protein around here.
I did find a meat bird formula that has 22% protein and, I think, .95% calcium.

That sounded really good but I’m not sure if that’s too much protein for layers? :confused:
Most places around me carry Purina everything. The chick starter and maybe a layer in Dumor. Starter and Feather Fixer in the Nutrena. I had a hard time finding the All Flock when I wanted to use it.
I've mixed in some starter with the Feather Fixer before and I may start that again if winter ever ends here. (Snow belt Ohio)

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