Feeding chicken to chickens....

OK, I guess I will be the first.. NO I do not feed chicken to chicken.

I think Soylent Green!!

We human omnivorous are very capable of eating our own kind too... Our society does not because?? We have other options for food?

Yes Chickens are always hungry and will eat anything. I am sure if I fell and bumped my head and was bleeding while I was passed out the chickens would eat me. We do live in a eat or be eaten world.

It is my opinion that in a natural environment chickens would rarely if ever have a chance to eat one another. Most likely a larger predator would eat the weak or injured. Since we keep chickens confined, it is our responsibility to provide the "options" they have in their diet.

I will feed mine fish or small amounts of other than chicken meats..

Know if I were raising fish, I would have no problems feeding fish to fish, since that is all they eat in nature as carnivores.

Just my take on it..
I don't feed mine meat of any kind but that's just because I give the dogs our meat scraps and the chickens get the fruit/veggie/grain leftovers. I'm afraid that if the dogs saw juicy meat scraps in the chicken run they would bust in to eat it...and maybe not stop there! So to keep the peace I'm keeping the people food ratio as it is!
I don't feed mine chicken either, I cannot come to terms with it, which is silly because I feed them eggs.

But I give my chicken scraps to the dogs, so I don't have to deal with the illogical thought patterns of that one

When I do feed other meat scraps to them they go absolutely mad, they will jump up onto the dish I am carrying, and gather around my feet to the point where I am almost falling other them. You would think they had never eaten for months.

I have not really found any vegetables mine like to eat, even a lettuce I put in the pen for them went untouched. I have shredded vegetables, cooked them, tried always but they are not really interested in them.

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