Feeding chickens cooked chicken? Is it ethical?


8 Years
Apr 12, 2011
Portland, OR
I fed my chickens chicken and they ate it all, even the bones. I told my friend this and he freaked out. I told another friend this and he called me a monster. What do you guys think? Should I not do that anymore?
My wife freak at first when I fed our chickens cook chicken out of fear of cannibalism. I told her as long as it's cook they won't turn in to chicken vampires. LOL
T think the very first snack I gave my chicks was leftover takeout fried chicken - and they were only a few weeks old! I cut it up pretty small & they lobed it. They ate the whole Christmas turkey carcass. The only think left was the leg bones.
Fred's Hens :

You're not a monster. It's normal. A chicken will eat anything. Just don't tell people who don't know and cannot handle the truth.

Just to play devil's advocate here, do we really need to feed our chickens chicken? I mean, I'm sure it doesn't do any psychological damage to the chickens. They don't care, and they will never know better. But we know. You know that you did it. I think it feels creepy because it is creepy. That said, I've done it.
Ethical? Of course it's not ethical! Next thing you know, they will have little hockey masks and chainsaws, and all heck will break out in the coop!

(Just don't let your friends know how we dispose of the odds and ends on slaughter day, 'kay?
I threw the carcass of a store bought chicken outside last night and they picked the bones clean. The truth is that chickens will eat an injured chicken anyways. They are cannibalistic scavenging animals. They know they taste good.

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