Feeding chickens cooked chicken? Is it ethical?

My chickens love to eat chicken or turkey... I haven't give the carcass as of yet, I typically fix them a plate of whatever we are having for dinner. They love it. They stand at the door looking into the dinning room just wating for me to bring their blue plate out. People say chickens will eat anything... but I have to say, mine are a bit picky (spoiled). There are some things we have for dinner that they just turn their little beaks up to... stuffing for one. They have no use for the Thanksgiving stuffing.

I enjoy spoiling them and when they look up at me with their little faces just begging for some dinner, I cave. I can't stand it and end up fixing their plate before I have even touched mine.

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Chickens will eat chicken, and while we're on it, pigs like bacon. But I don't volenteer that info to city-people.
I always use bird carcasses for soup stock - but they get what's left and any soup leftovers.

I always figure if a cow came across a dead chicken, it would ignore it. If a chicken came across a dead cow it would eat it.

Come to think of it, if you passed out in the yard I imagine the'd take a peck at you too....
Wasn't that from contaminated brain/nervous system (spinal nerve fluid, I think) material, though? I'm pretty sure it's not just "feeding a steak to a cow" that caused the issue. Malformed prions or something?

Most people probably don't feed their chickens brains, if they're just tossing 'em cooked holiday carcasses or bits left over. I feed my chickens breast meat occasionally, during colder months or when they're not feeling well and need the extra protein... Or when the dogs are getting a treat and there's a bit too much left over.


I don't think it's the worst thing to feed them chicken. Like others before me have said, it all depends on how YOU feel about it. I don't know if I could do it but my chicks are such picky eaters that I'm going to give them whatever they will eat so if it comes to chicken, then so be it. I just don't want them to get a taste for raw chicken or eggs
Then it could turn awful.
Now that we have chickens, I feel just a tad weird when we have chicken for dinner. I don't know if I'll ever be able to kill and eat from my own flock although being more self-sufficient is one of the reasons we got chickens to begin with. It's just one of those city-thinking vs. country-thinking things. :)
After a couple of times you won't think twice about it. I will say if you didn't grow up around that kind of stuff the first time can be a bit rough just push through and you'll be fine.

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