Feeding chickens cooked chicken? Is it ethical?

I feed chicken to my chickens and think nothing of it, but then you should know that if I got lost in the wilderness I'd eat you if I was hungry!
chickens like to eat their eggs too... just chiming in!!!

I'm with the majority here. If the chickens will eat it, let them have it. It's no worse than some of the junk that's put into the pellets we're expected to feed them (GMO's, etc.)
I personally haven't done it...yet! I am a big supporter of waste not-want not! If there is an animal that is in my care and it is hungry, I will feed it whatever I can. Big fish eat little fish, big snakes eat little snakes...People even raise mice just to FEED their snake. Am I going to cook up a chicken JUST to feed my chickens...highly doubtful! :0) But if there are leftovers scraps, my pigs and chickens and even my goats can have the pieces. I think it is UNETHICAL to waste food, even a little bit! JMHO
Didn't I read a post on here.... "Don't die inside your coop because the chickens will eat you!" I thought it was funny.... kind of. I seriously think my cat would eat me, if he was hungry enough!
We've really turned the corner on not throwing stuff away if it has another use. Lots of stuff goes into our compost pile. Meat, including chicken, does not go into a compost pile, so the chickens get it. I haven't fed them any chicken raw though. Guess I wasn't sure what the ramifications would be, including getting a taste for each other
But picking the carcass clean and giving them the leftovers, absolutely. Along with beef liver I bought for my dog who won't touch it, and steak and pork chop fat and gristle.
We have a 180* difference of opnion in our home.
I do it...........................
.................................But don't tell my husband
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I've always figured that if a chicken flock would pick apart and eat an injured member of the flock, that it would be ok to feed cooked chicken. (I would feel weird about raw chicken though- biosecurity). I actually feel more weird -and I know I'm in the minority here!- about giving chickens dairy products as they are not mammals. I don't give my chickens dairy products. I'm sure it probably wouldn't hurt them, but it makes me feel strange.

Since I am still pretty new to raising chickens and this forum, I STILL do a double-take whenever I see the phrase "chicken nipple" in reference to watering the flock.
I tell people how much my chickens love chicken just to watch their reaction. It's entertainment for me. I guess I need a life.

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