Feeding chickens egg laying pellets

Chicken Egg 17

Dec 11, 2015
McVeytown PA
I feed my chickens egg layers feed pellets and I got his feed about a week ago and it's the first time I had the pellets but they don't eat them and so I give them cracked corn because I don't want them to starve them selves. I was wondering if anyone else had this problem with the pellets the eat the crumbles but I don't like the cumbles because they fling it all over the place and I don't want to attract mice or something. So I was wondering is there any way I could get them to eat the pellets or to why they won't eat the pellets thanks
You can try crushing them up a little with a hammer so they are smaller pieces.. Or moistening them with a little water, or water mixed with a small amount of apple juice. Just enough to moisten them a little bit. And mix them with the cracked corn if you want.
Ya I could but I don't know how much to feed them so that the pellets aren't getting mushy and some times they get scraps so they will eat that and not there food leaving more wet soggy pellets in there feeder and plus it will freeze if they they it go for a while when they free range but thanks anyways
They may be holding out to get more cracked corn and other goodies.
I would withhold any treats for a day or two to see if they will eat the layer pellets.
What type of container do you use for feed, is it a traditional hanging feeder, a bowl, plate?
chicknmania got a point there as does Wyorp Rock.

I don't like attracting rodents either nor do I like the feed waste with them scratching & tossing feed around, picking what they want.
I got 2RIRs & 2EEs chicks end of Oct '15 (2wks old), put them on medicated chick started but doing FF (fermented feeding) method. LOVE IT! Poop is firmer, less stinky & they love it. I also put ACV in their water, they drink less due to the 'wet' feed. They're 14wks 2 days old today & still working on the 50# bag of feed; started making 1 cup per day when I first got them which lasted several days, now using 2 cups per day, think I have about another months of feed to go. It's a bit more "work" & feed them 2x day (morning & early afternoon), they do run the yard when I'm home. I toss them veggie scraps in the mornings & mealworms a treat that I've used for training. Recently started a mealworm farm just for fun.

I'm thinking the pellets being different for your girls, hence their apprehension but they could be waiting for more cracked corn :) You could try leaving the pellets & keeping them in their coop/run with no treats for at least a day or two (make sure they have water)...They're smart & we do spoil them :) Good Luck
chicknmania got a point there as does Wyorp Rock.

I don't like attracting rodents either nor do I like the feed waste with them scratching & tossing feed around, picking what they want.
I got 2RIRs & 2EEs chicks end of Oct '15 (2wks old), put them on medicated chick started but doing FF (fermented feeding) method. LOVE IT! Poop is firmer, less stinky & they love it. I also put ACV in their water, they drink less due to the 'wet' feed. They're 14wks 2 days old today & still working on the 50# bag of feed; started making 1 cup per day when I first got them which lasted several days, now using 2 cups per day, think I have about another months of feed to go. It's a bit more "work" & feed them 2x day (morning & early afternoon), they do run the yard when I'm home. I toss them veggie scraps in the mornings & mealworms a treat that I've used for training. Recently started a mealworm farm just for fun.
I'm thinking the pellets being different for your girls, hence their apprehension but they could be waiting for more cracked corn :) You could try leaving the pellets & keeping them in their coop/run with no treats for at least a day or two (make sure they have water)...They're smart & we do spoil them :) Good Luck
They were about 10wks

Dusk & Ehu eating from the chop stick @ 8wks
They may be holding out to get more cracked corn and other goodies.
I would withhold any treats for a day or two to see if they will eat the layer pellets.
What type of container do you use for feed, is it a traditional hanging feeder, a bowl, plate?

I made my own feeder in is a five gallon bucket and I took a three inch hole saw and cut five holes in it and they just take turns eating. and I have an outdoor roost and I put a hole the the roost and put a bolt through there and stuck a piece of chain with a dog clip on the end like the end of a leash. And I sanded down the edges of the holes and I hang the feeder from the chain and the bolt from the dog clip
I don't think we have a place to go if the do go out of feed we just got over a foot of snow and we are to get more here today and we are in the range of getting up to 30 inches
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I ferment the pellets now but previously I was just soaking them. It turns into a mush which the hens would eat. They tended to avoid the pellets and when they did eat them they seem to come out in their poop looking like pellets which makes me believe not much was being absorbed.

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