feeding chicks with mature chickens


10 Years
Jun 25, 2009
Bewleyville, KY
Is there a way to feed my 2, week old chicks, grower feed without my laying hens and my roo getting to it. "chickie mama" is raising them fine in the coop with the others, but I would like to be able to feed the chicks grower feed and I don't know that it would be great for the older ones to eat it.
Thanks for any help!
It will be fine for the older ones to eat the grower food (if by that you are referring to a Flock Raiser type formula). In fact, many people never feed the older ones laying food - just leave them on Flock Raiser with oyster shell to supplement. However if you want to offer the little ones chick food while the older ones get a different formula, you will need to place it somewhere they can get but the bigger ones can't. For example, under a box with a hole cut out that the little ones can go through but the bigger ones can't.

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