Feeding my <entire> flock


In the Brooder
6 Years
Feb 18, 2013
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
First, I want to say thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone on this great site. I have been stalking, lurking, gathering and processing all of the information to ensure my success as a chicken-mama for a couple of years now.

So, as to thoroughly ensure my flock (6 week old 2 Black Australorps, 2 Barred Rocks and 4 Ameraucanas) become spoiled, they have a tasty fresh meal of fruits and veggies everyday. Every other day, I chop up the tops of the leftover bibs-and-bobs of our meals in the food processor. I serve it with some whole grains or yogurt or their scrambled egg. These girls think I have hung the moon.

My husband...not so much. Last night after our Holiday weekend guests left he got out a container of homemade salsa and tortilla chips. Except he didn't. There was no salsa. Just chickie-mash! Apparently, garlic-strawberry-dill-cucumber-grape compote is dreadful. I wish I would have been awake to see this!

Thanks for letting me share.
Welcome! Are you sure it's not delicious??
Oh, my, my, my!!! I'm glad my husband is not home to see this. Because if he was, I'm sure he'd contact your husband, and thus would be born a revolution of spouses of chicken lovers, the likes of which we've never seen! They would revolt to take back their refrigerators, their lawns, their huge rubbermaid storage totes, and, yes... even their left overs! Not to mention the morning slumber broken by the joyous rooster chorus sung to the accompaniment of the enthusiastic egg song!!!
:lau   Oh, my, my, my!!!  I'm glad my husband is not home to see this.  Because if he was, I'm sure he'd contact your husband, and thus would be born a revolution of spouses of chicken lovers, the likes of which we've never seen!  They would revolt to take back their refrigerators, their lawns, their huge rubbermaid storage totes, and, yes... even their left overs!  Not to mention the morning slumber broken by the joyous rooster chorus sung to the accompaniment of the enthusiastic egg song!!!
It's that the truth! Never mind all of the wood scraps, roofing, windows, screws, nails, etc.. we have taken to build our coop!

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