Feeding Organic?

Forget the retail feed stores. Yes, they can order it and they'll charge you accordingly.

These folks are in Maryland:


Otherwise contact this organization and ask:


Another farm in Delaware that sells poultry feeds:


I get mine from a farm here in Texas named coyote creek. I like the product but it is $30 a 50lb bag. I would like a more cost effective feed.
Uggh... That's a bit ridiculous at $1200 / ton. If there aren't a lot of organic grain producers in the area though they may be paying out the nose to have organic grains shipped in.

For comparison, our area here in Southwest Wisconsin is a hotbed of organic production. Organic grain and feed prices are through the roof nationwide right now with high demand and limited supplies. Our cost last week was $550 / ton for an 18% layer ration, up from less than $400 / ton last summer. I'm guessing bagged feed is probably around $17-$18 a bag.

Keep looking around for other suppliers. Contact your state and local organic organizations and ask what is available. Many keep directory listings of organic farms and suppliers.
I am a farmer, we do it for a living. We don't have seperate jobs in the city that provide an extra income if the crops don't grow. If we don't grow a crop, we don't make a living. Chemical and fertilizer is expensive, we don't spray it if we don't have to.
I have talked to some farmers around me and all they care about is getting the highest yield out of the field. They think GMO is great stuff and organic is just a waste of time.

I am a farmer, we do it for a living. We don't have seperate jobs in the city that provide an extra income if the crops don't grow. If we don't grow a crop, we don't make a living.

Chemical and fertilizer is expensive, we don't spray it if we don't have to. Round Up (which is technically a chemical called glyphosate) is actually one of the safer chemicals out there. It neutralizes as soon as it hits the ground. There are MANY other chemicals that farmers could be using that are much more dangerous then Round Up.

We grow GMO crops, not everything we grow is GMO, but some of it. GMOs provide better yeilds in a shorter growing season (which is very important here as we live in a colder climate)

It all comes down to money really. Organic farming doesn't bring in the money nessesary to support a large farm.

ChickieBooBoo Wait just a minute. If you are going to quote somebody, be sure to quote them correctly, you can't go changing my words! You have made enough posts here that you should know how the quot function works.
I'm not sure where you are moving but I get my organic feed at fresh start growers in Louisville KY
I am a farmer, we do it for a living. We don't have seperate jobs in the city that provide an extra income if the crops don't grow. If we don't grow a crop, we don't make a living.

Chemical and fertilizer is expensive, we don't spray it if we don't have to. Round Up (which is technically a chemical called glyphosate) is actually one of the safer chemicals out there. It neutralizes as soon as it hits the ground. There are MANY other chemicals that farmers could be using that are much more dangerous then Round Up.

We grow GMO crops, not everything we grow is GMO, but some of it. GMOs provide better yeilds in a shorter growing season (which is very important here as we live in a colder climate)

It all comes down to money really. Organic farming doesn't bring in the money nessesary to support a large farm.

ChickieBooBoo Wait just a minute. If you are going to quote somebody, be sure to quote them correctly, you can't go changing my words! You have made enough posts here that you should know how the quot function works.

Sorry... I'm typing on my laptop so sometimes my wrist brushes the pad and changes where I'm typing. Nothin to get upset about.
I have talked to some farmers around me and all they care about is getting the highest yield out of the field. They think GMO is great stuff and organic is just a waste of time.

Here is what my post was supposed to say.

I am a farmer, we do it for a living. We don't have seperate jobs in the city that provide an extra income if the crops don't grow. If we don't grow a crop, we don't make a living.

Chemical and fertilizer is expensive, we don't spray it if we don't have to. Round Up (which is technically a chemical called glyphosate) is actually one of the safer chemicals out there. It neutralizes as soon as it hits the ground. There are MANY other chemicals that farmers could be using that are much more dangerous then Round Up.

We grow GMO crops, not everything we grow is GMO, but some of it. GMOs provide better yeilds in a shorter growing season (which is very important here as we live in a colder climate)

It all comes down to money really. Organic farming doesn't bring in the money nessesary to support a large farm.
Mygrandparents went through the recession, my grandma could stretch a buck like nobodies business and still washed and reused tinfoil and plastic baggies-not the ziplocks either-thats extravagant.(she was german) so am I.
There are alot more people on the planet than in her day, FOOD, is not the same deal as it was back in the 'good ole days' (eggad)
I grew up on a farm, we had a huge garden, raised livestock etc - it was HARD WORK. so please don't tell me, the majority of people today would starve to death if they suddenly had to live off the land. Look at the cities full of people that want to buy a perfect tomatoe, with no clue how to grow one.
I applaud the people who are at least attempting to restore agriculture - but I simply think it's too late to do that.
thank you mac for the definition - gov reg are something I view with some skepticism-and I totally disbelieve the labels and packaging most organic produts have- I don't believe it
I buy my feed from a local owner of a feedstore/ups station/hardware/whatever store who gets his grain from the next town over, who buys his grain from different suppliers then bags it in a plain bag with a one color stamp on it, its good grain, well developed, free from dust and mold and my chickens love it. They are happy and healthy and free range all day long. It is as close to organic as I can get, they get my tomatoes before I do..oh well.
I think I am skipping the middle man, organic growers ger their grain from someplace...where?
I watched alot of my neighbors go out of business growing up, we had to downsize as well, because we couldn't compete with foreign market for spring lamb or veal...or the large corporations either...
If you want to look at pesticide overuse, look at Africa, the farming over there has been directly linked to the sudden dramatic increase in asthma for children in the bahamas and lower florida (since the winds blow across the ocean)
Like I said too late.
Still, I do what I can to support america, the farmers, and the local business- I buy usa or not at all. But then I am lucky.
gotta go look at a deer , hmm doe and 2 fawns, won't be eating them this fall, well lets see if they are young bucks maybe I will.
Man, I have read alot of threads and alot of people would have trouble even killing a chicken, let alone dressing it and then eating it...someone would have to do it for them..
I just think Organic labels are alot of hooey. Some are not, maybe, but are you 100% sure that grain is grown to standards?? I am just a skeptic, and I think they charge as much as they can get away with for nothing. (ok, maybe its to cover the cost of advertizing and packaging) Which is a whole nother industry too.
As for the fish industry for protein additives, wow, we can go on all day on that one. Might as well stamp made in china on that. This is an inflamatory subject and it should be, everyone needs to take america back, and if your not a little uncomfortable or inconvienenced because of it, then your not gaining anything...

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