feeding treats


9 Years
Nov 4, 2014
what time of day would you start feeding threats to your flock.?
tried some left over stuff , green peppers( not to good) rice ,pasta (hardly touched it)
and tried warm oatmeal and don't think they eat it. but lettuce ,bread so far is a big hit.
Personally I don't offer treats until all have finished laying for the day. Except in the summer…when japanese beetles are in my garden, I catch them and dump them in the run any time of day.
I usually bring treats (leftover fruits and veg) in the morning when I feed, they usually eat more of it as opposed to leaving leftovers.
what time of day would you start feeding threats to your flock.?
tried some left over stuff , green peppers( not to good) rice ,pasta (hardly touched it)
and tried warm oatmeal and don't think they eat it. but lettuce ,bread so far is a big hit.
If your treats are junk food(no or little nutritional value) do not feed until later in the afternoon so they fill up on a good balanced feed first.

Bread is not really great for them, unless it is truly a very whole grain bread...lettuce is not bad but no nutrition.
My birds start everyday at 5:30am, food and water readily available.

My morning visit isn't usually till around 7:30 - 8am, where they will get yesterdays biodegradable household wastes.

Their run is my compost "pit".

Deep litter, 14'x14', 8 - 24 inches deep, black gardeners gold.
Our girls get treats in the afternoon ... sometimes. They don't get treats every day, though they do get more treats in the winter. We try to stick with treats that have some nutritional value, too. One of the favorites is to hang a purple cabbage from a bungee. They love to play tetherball with it.
it's a ice box now in the north east . I could try and hang a few things but might have to bring it down come night
time due to freezing. things they don't like are broccoli , cabbage leaves, carrots just seems like there on the hard side to peck
out the food. lettuce ,bread pasta, basically a lot of soft stuff.

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