Fences dont always make good neighbors... Pics at 11

Chook-a-holic... if my ducks hear you talk about getting rid of the pond, they will hunt you down... and I will not be responsible for thier actions....

Seriously though....it is silly isnt it? We never even imagined that a property line would run through a pond. When they 1st came over, I had to go get my plat and make sure I even owned any of it. The pond was the biggest draw when we bought the place. So I hate that it has become a point of contention. I sit out there every morning with my coffee and my ducks and greet the day....and I do this in my jammies. So I hope if they come fishing early in the morning that they are prepared for a scary woman in floral jammies whose hair has yet to see a brush. lol
If there is any way you can swing it, I think cattle panels are a good idea. If not, there must be some other sort of relatively inexpensive and fairly unobtrusive fencing you could do across there. In this case, I would definitely recommend some "No Trespassing" signs as well (all this based on if you find the easement is just for the road). I would be very cautious about all these families accessing your pond, especially from your yard. If a child drowns or someone is injured, you are going to be the one that pays the price unfortunately.
For some reason it seems like you are in VA. I cannot remember why I think that but in Va. if you give them a permission slip from the commonwealth on the slip it relieves you from liability.I would have a game warden explain to them they need a permission slip to fish on your side of the pond.


and if they gave me a lot of grief ( Not saying you should try this but curmudgeon I am) I would go borrow a mud hog pump from my brother and drain my side of the pond let the coons feast for a day or 2
that would give them a reason not to cut through anymore
I hope the lawyers can figger it out quick and painless for you.
I agree that you need to check to see what the exact wording is. Any chance that the jog they take at the pond is contained in the 25' on that side of the easement?

Some of it would Katy. When they turn off, the pond starts right there, then goes about 100 feet. So they would be within the boundaries of the easement for 25 ft, then on my property for about 60 feet and then be on their property.

I never understood the 50 ft easement anyways because if you look at the pics of the easement that has the gate in it, you can see that there is a fence directly to the left of the easement and the pond is directly to the right. So, if your vehicle is more than 8 feet wide...you are either taking a swim or wiping out a fence. The guys that bring tractors and balers in barely make it.
An easement gives the right to access. I don't think it gives the right for someone to put up fences on your property. You need to check on exactly what rights an easement confers. I am betting they are not what your neighbor thinks.

You taught me something. I plan to buy some property next spring. I knew about covenants and HOA's. I am now adding easements to my list of deal breakers.
chickensducks&agoose :

I think you need to get a couple loads of gravel and make a big dam just on your side, chopping their side off the pond... so the space they have to fish is tiny. HA!

Sorry you are going threw all of this,

i have an easment running threw my property so my not so nice neighbor can get to his land, if my ducks dogs guineas,chickens or any other kritter is crossing the easment to get to the other side of our property they don't even slow down jut run um over and yes they can see them.

I have been dealing with this jerk for 10 years now, with all kinds of crap, right down to tearing my fence down on the back of my property.

The more i try to deal with him nicely the worse it gets

I thank god this is the only neighbor i have that has to use the easment.

If i were you i would get some geese and close your gate , nip nip nip

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